Okay, it’s time to unveil the full length, 140 minutes, runners video that we took at Mile Marker #4 on Camden Street. It has minimal editing, mostly to add titles at the front / back, and a running date / location stamp during the video. All sound is original once the video portion begins. (The video file itself was more than 2gb in size, and it was only 640×480 screen size.)
I’ll be posting more info about the race itself, who the volunteers were from AARO and other ham volunteers, etc., in another post.
This post is just for the runners. This is the view from Mile Marker #4 on November 11, 2012, starting around 7:45am, after all the bicycle riders are gone. You can see the approaching lead vehicles, watch the guy and my son, David KD5MTJ, relocate the mile marker and clock closer to the curb, and hear all the spectator comments (uncensored) in the background. The video with the bicycle riders is found here http://sanantoniohams.org/blog/?p=6394