Oct 9



Hill Country State Natural Area – Bandera, TexasBandera_2014_buckle

When:  10th and 11th of January 2015


It is that time of year, to start marking your calendars and making preparations for the 13th Annual Bandera 100k Ultra-Marathon held at Hill Country State Natural Area in Bandera County.

Tejas Trails Communication Group – Coordinated by Hill Country REACT and supported by Highland Lakes Amateur Radio Club, Chaparral Amateur Radio Club, Crew 317 and many dedicated Amateur Radio Operators from San Antonio, Austin, Houston, Kerrville and other locations throughout the state, have supported and provided communications for this event the past 10 years.

This event typically requires 15 – 16 Amateur Radio Operators in a situation that is similar to what an Emergency Communications Operator would experience in a disaster zone. Remote operations little to no permanent infrastructure.Bring it, work it, enjoy it!
UHF, VHF and Packet communications are involved in this event. And with some hard work between now and then, possibly HSMM-Mesh!

This is a fun event with challenges. The participants of this event, are of a type you will not encounter at most other events we deal with throughout the year. Over the years, we have made some lasting friendships among the event management, participants and operators that come out to help. This is one event, where your hard work and efforts are truly recognized and appreciated from top to bottom.

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Feb 13

March 15 and 16th 2014
Hill Country State Natural Area – Bandera, TX

2 day Equestrian Endurance Competition

Hill Country REACT and other area Amateur Radio Operators will be providing radio, safety and tracking support for this event. Typically participation is 75 – 100 riders/horses.

The events typically start around 07:30 hrs and we are usually in from the field around 15:00 hrs, sometimes earlier, sometimes later. Lunch and Dinner will be provided both days.

We have 5 positions to monitor throughout the event and provide tracking information back to net control. Comms is typically 2 meter simplex, so a mobile/portable unit with 20 watts or more and possibly a elevated antenna for 2 positions will be suggested.

This is a fun event and volunteer appreciation amongst the event management and participants is great.
Camping is available at the Chapa’s Group Camp which is the event central.

We could use a few more operators to fill some slots and enjoy the great Texas Hill Country.
Contact Louis – K5STX at k5stx at k5stx dot net to volunteer or get more information.

Note: I you have previously told me you were not available and I have replied back, Thank You!

Dec 15

The  Tour de Gruene is an annual 2 day bicycling event with all radio communications being coordinated by the GVARC  Ham Radio Club.  Hams are stationed at key / critical intersections or locations where rider safety may be at risk.  They are also stationed at break points to report on supply or rider pickup requests.

The 2013 event was held on Saturday, November 2nd, and Sunday, November 3rd.  (Next year it will be on November 8&9th.) I only worked the event on Sunday morning, so the attached photos were  from that date only.   I heard reports that what I experienced on Sunday was also repeated on Saturday, in terms of riders “jumping” off the bridge at River Crossing #4 to avoid “making a new friend” with an oncoming vehicle.    At the time this article was posted, you could still view the 2013 course maps online at this link.  The 2013 route was unusual, in that area road construction on the normal route force a major change in the route direction. In fact, they started up on River Road in Sattler, Texas, at the VFW Post (River Road & FM2673) instead of in downtown Gruene, Texas.
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Dec 15

2014 Quarter One GVARC VE Test Session

The next regularly scheduled GVARC test session will be held on January 4th, 2014 at the New Braunfels Fire Department Training Facility located at 1311 Industrial Drive Suite A, New Braunfels, TX 78130.
The session will begin at 10:00am and conclude at 2:00pm, or when candidates stop arriving.

Please have these items with you when you arrive to take your test:

  • $15 – Cash, check, or money order (We can’t accept plastic quite yet)
  • Two forms of identification – State issued ID card, plus something like a CHL, school ID, passport, etc.
  • Your currently held license or CSSE — if you have one.

Note:  This is strictly a testing session. No test material will be taught or reviewed.

The VE team will be monitoring the 147.000 repeater if you need any assistance in finding the testing location.

Please contact the GVARC VE Team if you have any questions.

More details can be found here… http://gvarc.org/2013/12/07/gvarc-qtr4-VEsession.html

Feb 18

Guadalupe Valley Amateur Radio Club (GVARC) is now offering the opportunity to test for your FCC Amateur Radio License through the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Volunteer Examiner (VE) program.

When: April 6, 2013, Testing starts at 10:00 am.

Location: New Braunfels Fire Department Training Center Emergency Operations Center (1311 Industrial Dr. Suite A New Braunfels, TX 78130)

Exam Fee: $15.00 – Payable by cash or personal check

Requirements: Photo ID or 2 alternate forms of identification, plus your Social Security Number (SSN) or Federal Registration Number (FRN – Free registration on FCC.GOV website).   Note: Testing for License class upgrade also requires applicant’s ORIGINAL License or Certificate of Successful Completion and an additional photocopy of such documentation.

Morse code is not required for any Amateur Radio License

Contact: Gary S. Tangrady K5GST – Volunteer Examiner (VE) via email – K5GST01@gmail.com
or call one of the VE’s at phone – (210) 619-6217

GVARC is now sponsoring an ARRL affiliated VE Team and will conduct test sessions on a quarterly or more frequent basis as the demand for such requires.

Nov 13


Hill Country State Natural Area – Bandera, Texas


 When: 7th and 8th of January 2012


It is that time of year, to start forming the roster and making preparations for the 10th Annual Bandera 100k Ultra-Marathon held at Hill Country State Natural Area in Bandera County.

Tejas Trails Communication Group – Sponsored by Hill Country REACT has been the lead team for communications for this event the past 6 years with the assistance of many hams from the San Antonio, Austin and other areas around the state..

This event typically requires 15 – 16 Amateur Radio Operators in a situation that is similar to what an Emergency Communications Operator would experience in a disaster zone. UHF, VHF and Packet communications are involved in this event.

This is a fun event with challenges.  The participants of this event, are of a type you will not encounter at most other events we deal with throughout the year.  Over the years, we have made some lasting friendships!

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Nov 13

Title: 13th Annual Skywarn Recognition Day
Location: Austin/San Antonio National Weather Service Office – New Braunfels Airport
Description: The Austin/San Antonio National Weather Service Office will be participating in the 2011 Skywarn Recognition Day, which will occur from 1800hrs 2 December 2011 to 1800hrs 3 December 2011.

Our station will again be operating for the entire 24 hours time period, utilizing 2m, 440, multiple HF bands, as well as Echolink and IRLP contacts.

This is the 13th year for the program, and I believe will be the 9th year this station has participated. Each year, our station, thanks to the dedication and perseverance of many dedicated hams from throughout the South Central Texas area, has improved on its contact status, and rating in the Skywarn Recognition Day program.

All Licensed Amateur Radio Operators are invited to participate in this fun event.  Yes, Technician class licensees are encouraged to participate, as we do utilize 2m, 440 and the digital modes!

We schedule operators in 2 hours blocks of time, with a maximum of 3 operators per block! Of course, if you choose to, you may request scheduling for multiple blocks, either consecutive or broken. Such as one evening shift and one early morning shift.

Due to limited security, space, and the fact the NWS staff is still operating, we can only have 3 operators, and try to keep the noise level to a minimum. Although, many members of the staff enjoy hearing the goings on, when things are not busy on their end. We have had severe weather events occur, during the SRD.

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Jun 23

The Guadalupe Valley Amateur Radio Club will be again holding Field Day at WQ5C’s QTH on River Road. We’re planning on running a home station on emergency power, along with a temporary station, and possibly a “Get On The Air” station reserved for inactive hams. The highlight will be a KE5DFK brisket masterpiece on Saturday evening and Gary K5GST’s prize winning apple pies & cupcakes. All hams & their families are encouraged to attend.

We emphasize FUN over competition.
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Dec 13

About 21  radio operators gathered at the Mountain Valley Middle School in Sattler, Texas (just east of Canyon Lake) to help organize the staging area for the 2010 Annual Canyon Lake Christmas Parade at 8am Saturday morning, December 11, 2010.

Hill Country REACT has been organizing this event for more years than we can remember, 14+ years at least.   For the past few years, we’ve been lucky to get help from neighboring ham clubs, and this year was no different.  In addition to members from our own team, we also had volunteers from Travis County REACT (Austin), HC Hams (Hayes / Caldwell), and Guadalupe Valley ARC (GVARC – New Braunfels). Not shown in photo is photographer Lee N5NTG.

Here is a list of radio operators working the event…

  • Ray McLeaird            HC REACT
  • Charlie Land              HC REACT
  • Lee Besing                HC REACT
  • David Besing             HC REACT
  • Gary Tangrady           HC REACT
  • Charles Manley III     HC REACT
  • Barbara Manley          HC REACT
  • Wade Bolling             HC REACT
  • Wade Martyn             HC REACT
  • Mike Pérez                HC REACT
  • “Skipp” Stem             GVARC
  • Samuel Stem            GVARC
  • Richard Graham       GVARC
  • Chuck Donohoe       GVARC
  • Jake Creamer          HCARC/ HC REACT
  • Rick Coleman          HCARC
  • Bernard Ederer        HCARC
  • Dianne Shirey          HCARC
  • Bob Shirey               HCARC
  • Roger Wines and  4 other Travis County REACT members

This year the parade staging area was changed, reversed from previous years.  The new layout worked much better for us, giving us more room to stretch out the entries.  We had nearly 60 entries this year, and the Shriners counted as just one entry, so you can guess how big it really was.    The parade route was more than 2 miles, starting on the northside of  Sattler, ending on the south end.  Traffic was snarled for more than an hour and a half while the parade was on the main route thru town.

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Oct 4

The Tour de Gruene is Saturday, 10/30 and Sunday 10/31.

1) The tour will start a 8am Saturday. I believe that the route will be similar to last year, but have not seen the maps yet.

2) The individual time trial race is unchanged. Riders leave from Camp Huaco Springs @ the 1st crossing on River Road at 2:01pm Saturday. Ride 8 miles up river & return the same way.

3) The two man time trial race on Sunday is unchanged. Riders start at 8:01am & go every 30 seconds. The leave Gruene, ride up River Road, across 2763, and return down 306 to Gruene.

Volunteers usually get a t-shirt & a ticket to Wurstfest, assuming they are available. Sometimes they run out.

The URL is for more info is: http://www.tourdegruene.com

We need as many stations as possible for the morning events, but can cover Saturday afternoon with myself & 1 or 2 other stations. Please let me know which event(s) you can help out with, and your t-shirt size.

–Mike WQ5C


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