2011 Field Day – GVARC Plans

The Guadalupe Valley Amateur Radio Club will be again holding Field Day at WQ5C’s QTH on River Road. We’re planning on running a home station on emergency power, along with a temporary station, and possibly a “Get On The Air” station reserved for inactive hams. The highlight will be a KE5DFK brisket masterpiece on Saturday evening and Gary K5GST’s prize winning apple pies & cupcakes. All hams & their families are encouraged to attend.

We emphasize FUN over competition.

The specifics:

Saturday, Jun 25:
07:30am breakfast/coffee @ Los Gallos ( as usual )
09:00am setup begins
01:00pm Field Day begins
04:00pm swimming for the kids
06:00pm cookout

Sunday, Jun 26
01:00pm Field Day ends, teardown begins

WQ5C’s QTH (3485 River Road, New Braunfels)

talk-in on 147.00 (-) 103.5Hz

We will have at least 2 stations on the air using callsign: WB5LVI
Phone / CW / RTTY / PSK31 / 80m – 6m
Power: generator & battery

Primary station:
80m-10m, 100W
10/15/20: 3 ele yagi @ 68′
40: 2 ele yagi @ 68′
80: inverted V @ 60 ‘

Secondary Station:
40m-6m, 100W
40/20/15/10: vertical
6m: TBD


Folks are welcome to operate all night, if they like.

Cookout: This year, Carlos will be fixing his prime brisket. Feel free to bring your favorite side dish or dessert. Please let us know if you’re planning on bringing something so we don’t end up with 42 pounds of potato salad. 🙂

Iced tea & homebrew Hefeweissen will be provided. If you prefer something else, please BYO. Please bring folding chairs.

Get On The Air
The GOTA station may be operated by any person licensed since the previous year’s Field Day, regardless of license class. It may also be operated by a generally inactive licensee. Non-licensed persons may participate under the direct supervision of an appropriate control operator.

We will have a fair amount of knowledge & test gear on hand. If you have a rig that hasn’t been on the air in a while, feel free to bring it down & fire it up.

We’d like to get a head count so that we can know how much food to purchase. Please RSVP to to the reflector or to Skip – DirtDauber490@yahoo.com … by Thursday, Jun 23.

Hope to see y’all there!

Guadalupe Valley Amateur Radio Club


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