Important re FCC FRN! Please do this before your ham exam day.
The FCC requires you to obtain an FRN (FCC Registration Number) from them and use it instead of a Social Security number on your ham exam paperwork. If you have already obtained an FRN from the FCC, be sure to bring it with you and use it on the paperwork for your exam.
You only need one FRN. (Hams and GMRS licensees already have an FRN on their license.) If you do not have an FRN please do this. Go to
In the middle of the page you should see “Need a Username?” Under that, click Register.
You then will give information to the FCC, will create a password, and will obtain an FRN.
Bring the following items to your exam in addition to that very important FRN number. (Ham licenses have an FRN.)
– Ham license (if you are a ham) and any CSCE newer than your ham license. Bring a copy we can send with your paperwork. Please contact me if you need help getting a printed copy of your license.
– A government-issued photo ID (preferably drivers license)
– Form NCVEC 605 (updated March 2018) filled out and printed on your computer or in black ink, from
– Black pen and a pencil
– A simple calculator may be helpful. No phones, no iPads, etc.
– Earplugs that only reduce sound (no electronic device) may help you to concentrate if noise bothers you.
– $15 session fee — exact change, please
You may have heard about an FCC application fee. It will not be paid on the date of the exam. New licensees will receive an email from the FCC with details about paying the $35 application fee directly to the FCC after you pass your exam. That email will be very important and it will explain that your payment to the FCC is due in a very short time, or you will not receive your license.
Youth without a government-issued photo ID need two documents for identification. Suitable documents include a school report card, birth certificate, and a Social Security card.
Study link
I highly recommend this web site’s flash cards and practice tests.
Select “Read Questions” and it will focus on just the correct answers. If you tap the top right corner of the card, you will see an explanation of the answer. Many of our test candidates have found that the flash cards there help them to review/study more thoroughly than other practice tests.
Pat Knight AD5BR
210-273-5927 iPhone
I received word that ROOST will be suspending VE Testing for ham radio licenses during the month of August. They also canceled their monthly in-person meetings for both August and September.
I’m presuming this change is due to the uptick in Coronavirus cases in the San Antonio area.
ROOST was the first club to resume testing for new & upgraded ham radio licenses at their clubhouse. Prospective hams, and those wanting to upgrade to General or Extra Class licenses, drove up to 200 miles to attend their VE Test Sessions.
But alas, with the average age of their volunteer examiners being over 60, perhaps this was a wise decision. We don’t need any more silent keys in the area.
If their testing status changes, I will post another article and update this one as well.

The word I’m getting from the different clubs around the Ssn Antonio metro area, is that in compliance with the various emergency health declarations, all in-person club meetings and test sessions have been canceled.
Several clubs are experimenting with using various forms of Teleconference services, such as, Skype, or Zoom. One group was overheard suggesting they all get on their club repeater and hold a net.
<gasp!> What will they think of next?
As of this morning, I’ve been told by different VE groups that they will be unable to hold test sessions until the ban on social gatherings (greater than 10) has been lifted.
While ROOST holds their exams at their own clubhouse, they posted on Facebook this morning that they are suspending their 1st & 3rd Saturday VE exams for the time being.
SARC holds theirs on the 4th Saturday in even numbered months, so perhaps the crisis will be over before the end of April?
AARO holds theirs the 3rd Saturday of odd numbered months, which would have been today, March 21st.
GVARC holds quarterly exams in New Braunfels, but the facility normally used has been placed on usage restrictions, which prevents them from using it.
KARS normally offers test sessions after their monthly meetings, but since they can’t hold their meetings in-person, no exam sessions will be possible.
Reminder: Radio Fiesta is 2 days this year!
- Friday, 10 January, 1pm to 5pm,
- Saturday, 11 January, 8am-2pm
Shertz Civic Center, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, TX 78154
Organizer: San Antonio Radio Club. See for more details.
Description: We are opening the doors from on Friday at 7:00 am to 12:00 pm for setup. and Doors open for customers at 1:00 pm till 5:00 pm.
On Saturday setup from 7:00 am to 8:00 am doors open for customers at 8:00 am till 2:00 pm at the Main Hall.
VE Testing starts at 1:30pm. RSVP requested at, but walk-ins are welcome. ARRL Test fee is $15. Usual drill, bring copies of your Photo ID and current license (if upgrading). Do you know your FCC FRN number? Send us an email to get more info.
Tables and tickets are being sold now through Eventbrite.
The South Texas Hamfest on October 19th 2019, will be here before we know it !!
Discount registration is still available! For those that print and mail in your pre-registration forms there is now a link available at the bottom of the main page.
We will be hosting a Testing Session at the South Texas Hamfest on October 19th 2019, to get your FCC Amateur Radio Operators License.
For those taking the ham test for the first time, or upgrading, if you
pass, your name will be entered into an Exclusive Prize Drawing.
Field Day is a nationwide ARRL sponsored event on the fourth full weekend of June where many local ham clubs set up in a field environment to simulate the operation of amateur radios under emergency conditions.
While there is a contest aspect to Field Day, the real objective is to give members experience operating in an austere environment like those that may be faced in emergency situations.
It’s that time of year again to start up those generators, dust off those solar panels and charge up those batteries. Oh, and get your temporary antennas tested and move those radios from the boxes over to the field day location of your choice.
ARRL has a list of registered Field Day sites nationwide at this link, , but some clubs choose not to get registered prior to the event weekend. Just put in your city / state in the search bar to find your nearest event location.
Note: Any contact information listed below was found published at the ARRL site locator map, or was provided to me for this purpose. None of the email links are live, so you will need to cut/paste in order to send that person an email about their event.
Don’t expect many of them to be checking their emails frequently during the weekend, they will likely be on the radio instead. Most will have a station monitoring 146.52 simplex to gain contacts in that manner.
Side Note: The San Antonio Radio Club (W5SC) will be holding a morning VE Test Session on Saturday, June 22nd, at the Great Northwest Public Library (Near Grissom Road and Timberwilde) beginning at 10am. While walk-ins are welcome, preregistration is requested via email at
Pat AD5BR will be conducting the exams with her VE team. There is the usual $15/test attempt fee payable in cash and you will need the usual ID and proof of existing license (if upgrading). Please contact Pat AD5BR for more info.
This is the last chance in the San Antonio area to upgrade to General before the question pool changes on July 1st.
Area Clubs whom I know are conducting Field Day Events, include:

The HAMster VHF/UHF Weak Signal Group
5th Annual Lunch & Learn + Swap Meet
February 2nd 2019 @ 8:am
American Red Cross: 3642 E Houston St, San Antonio, Tx
Technical Training, Spaghetti Luncheon, VE Testing plus swap meet
RAFFLE of Multiple prizes/Grand Prize Yaesu FT-920 with Desk Microphone
{Spaghetti Luncheon, Soda.Water — coffee in morning}
Swap meet Table setup – 7:15 am to 8:am
Event Schedule
Time: Rm #: Presenter: Event:_________________________________________
7:15 N/A N/A Check in and Raffle Ticket purchases
7:15 #4-5 KG5OMX Swap Meet Check in and table setup
8:am #1-2 N5XO Introduction to VHF/UHF Weak Signal & HAMster Group
9:am #1 N7LRY Quadrifilar Helix Antenna. A surprising performer
9:am # 2 WA5FRF Antennas and Propagation
9:am #3 N5XO Is your Coax Charging you a TAX?
10:30 #1 K5VH Antenna Basics and Design
10:30 #2 N7LRY Analyzer Tools to get you that last db
11:30-13:30 Lunch is served and SWAP MEET OPENS
13:30 #1 KC5ULU How to build a 2 meter 4 element quad for under $50
13:30 #2 KA2GZW Traffic Handing-How to create a message and send it
13:30 #3 K0MHC Introduction to VHF Roving
13:30 Meeting Rm VE TEAM VE Testing for New Hams & Upgrades
Raffle Grand Prizes
FT-920 100 Watt HF/6 Meter Radio with Desk Microphone
Yaesu HT, VX-5 with desk Charger

The San Antonio Radio Fiesta is scheduled for Saturday, January 13, 2018 at the Schertz Civic Center, 1400 Schertz Pkwy, Schertz, Texas.
The Schertz Civic Center offers more floor space and tables in the exhibit hall. With multiple programs scheduled, plus the winter meeting of the Texas VHF Society, we believe our attendance will increase.
VE testing starts at noon, just a few blocks down the street at the Schertz Public Library. Advance RSVP is highly recommended to Bring a original & a copy of any current / previous ham license (if upgrading), your photo ID, and $15 cash for the session. No credit cards accepted. Contact Pat AD5BR at the above email address for more info.
- HOURS: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday.
- LOCATION: Schertz Civic Center – 1400 Schertz Pkwy, Schertz, TX
- Amateur Radio Fiesta set up:
- Friday Night – 4 to 9 pm
- Saturday – Set up starting at 6:30 am with the doors opening at 8 am.
- Admission Ticket: $10 at the door
- Dealer Tables: $14 at the door, if available
- Flea Market Tables: $10 at the door, if available
- Tailgate Spaces: 1 free with purchase of an admission ticket to hall, (extra tailgate space) $5 each
- Extra Prize Tickets: $1 each or 12 for $10
Also, If you want to join, or renew your membership, with the San Antonio Radio Club, you can save $3 by paying at the Radio Fiesta. Look for the SARC table near the front entrance. Dues: $12 for entire family by Jan 14 ($15 after). Sign up every ham in your family for one low price! Cheapest club rates in town (compared with those groups who charge annual dues)!
For additional information on our great programs and schedule of events, please view our website at
The VE Ham test session that was scheduled to happen on Saturday August 26th at 10 a.m. at the Great Northwest public library, off of Grissom Road, has been canceled due to Hurricane Harvey. The library itself will be closed, thus preventing the test session from being conducted.
Please contact Pat Knight AD5BR at for any additional information.

2ND Annual HAMSTER Lunch and Learn Event
JULY 1ST 2017
Welcome to the HAMster Weak Signal Group Lunch and Learn. The purpose of this event is to bring a large group of HAMs together for some education and fun. We want to introduce you not only to the HAMster Group, but also to VHF/UHF Dxing. If you have never experienced the trhill of working stations on 2 metersa nd up 500, 1000 or even 1,500 miles, with daily contacts in the 100 to 150 mile range, then come join us.
Join us for Hot Dogs, Chips, Soda and VE Session with VHF/UHF training classes. Special Weak Signal Training by FLEX Radio, and the HAMster Group.
Flex Radio will be on hand to demonstrate the new products and advantages for VHF/UHF Weak Signal/EME/Meteor Scatter.
License Testing available for new hams or upgrades to your license will be held at 2pm. $15 per test taker. Please contact Pat AD5BR at HAMTEST@GMAIL.COM for details and to RSVP for the test session (not same address as used to register for the Lunch and Learn).
Raffle and Swap Meet
Saturday July 1st 2017
8:am Kick-Off to 3:Pm
Event to be held at the American Red Cross, 3642 E. Houston St, San Antonio, Tx. (Please use the Houston St side entrance to enter the building.)
RSVP to:
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