Tonight was the first meeting of the 2010 San Antonio Repeater Organization (SARO) newly elected Board of Directors. Four (4) new directors had been elected by the members this month to serve a 2 year term of office. Only about half of the SARO members returned a ballot in the election. SARO mails paper ballots to every member in good standing (ie. their dues got paid) by the first of November. Ballots are generally due by sometime in the 2nd week (this year it was December 11th).
Elected were Lee N5NTG, Pat AD5BR, Bob K5AUW, and Gary K5GST. Their term of office is thru end of 2011. Outgoing directors were Sharon Olson KB5KZD, Chuck Kenworthey WB5FWI, and Royce Taylor KA5OHJ.