Oct 30

Just got off the phone earlier today with Mike WQ5C with GVARC.   Lance Armstrong has registered to compete in Sunday’s Team Trial Rides, and registration has been capped at 240 teams.  This means it will take 2 hours from starting the first pair of riders and then sending another pair of riders out every 30 seconds from the starting gate.

Mike told me that they will be using the 147.000 repeater (negative offset, 103.5 tone).  Some positions may need push-up pole and external antennas down in the river road area, but most will let you get by with a mobile radio and antenna, and a few might let you use your HT.  Come loaded for bear and you won’t be down in the mush when net control calls you.   Bring a folding chair to sit in, Bring a cooler, sunscreen & a hat as you will be there for 2-3 hours or longer, depending on assignment.  

– Lee N5NTG

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Oct 30

As of November 1st, AOL is closing down all of their web page services so as a result, W2IK’s 45 ham-related web pages will no longer be available through AOL. To keep most of these pages intact, they are being moved to a new address: W2IK.com    Please visit them often as they are sorted, upgraded and posted. Currently posted are the older antenna building pages, Ecom and family preparedness pages. Totally new pages will be added as time allows.
