Jan 8

fiestalogoThe San Antonio Radio Fiesta is scheduled for Saturday, January 13, 2018 at the Schertz Civic Center, 1400 Schertz Pkwy, Schertz, Texas.

The Schertz Civic Center offers more floor space and tables in the exhibit hall. With multiple programs scheduled, plus the winter meeting of the Texas VHF Society, we believe our attendance will increase.

VE testing starts at noon, just a few blocks down the street at the Schertz Public Library. Advance RSVP is highly recommended to hamtest@gmail.com. Bring a original & a copy of any current / previous ham license (if upgrading), your photo ID, and $15 cash for the session. No credit cards accepted. Contact Pat AD5BR at the above email address for more info.

Radio Fiesta CrowdSAN ANTONIO

  • HOURS: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday.
  • LOCATION: Schertz Civic Center – 1400 Schertz Pkwy, Schertz, TX
  • Amateur Radio Fiesta set up:
    • Friday Night – 4 to 9 pm
    • Saturday – Set up starting at 6:30 am with the doors opening at 8 am.
  • Admission Ticket: $10 at the door
  • Dealer Tables: $14 at the door, if available
  • Flea Market Tables: $10 at the door, if available
  • Tailgate Spaces: 1 free with purchase of an admission ticket to hall, (extra tailgate space) $5 each
  • Extra Prize Tickets: $1 each or 12 for $10

Also, If you want to join, or renew your membership, with the San Antonio Radio Club, you can save $3 by paying at the Radio Fiesta. Look for the SARC table near the front entrance. Dues: $12 for entire family by Jan 14 ($15 after). Sign up every ham in your family for one low price! Cheapest club rates in town (compared with those groups who charge annual dues)!

For additional information on our great programs and schedule of events, please view our website at http://w5sc.org.

Feb 7

Morning all!

Event: AERC Heart of the Hills Endurance Ride

Dates: 5th and 6th March 2016

Location: Hill Country State Natural Area – Bandera

Times: 0700 hrs to 1700 hrs – assignment times very based on Checkpoint.

Help is needed on both days, but, if you can only work one of the other, your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Operators will be responsible for tracking the progress of Horse/Rider thru the course at 4 different checkpoints.  We also handle in health/welfare information and other task as submitted by the event coordinator/manager.

3 checkpoints should be able to contact net control with ht and a gain antenna.  One checkpoint is a little more challenging requiring a mobile unit, possibly crossband.

Comms will be VHF simplex.

RMS Express/Packet will be utilized during the event.  Packet not required to participate.

Most checkpoints are easily accessible by car or truck.  One will require a truck with moderate clearance.

If your are interested please contact Charlie Land at charlesdland at gmail dot com or Mike Perez at mikerey01 at yahoo dot com

Event is coordinated by Hill Country REACT – membership not required to participate.

Thank You,

Louis Upton – K5STX

Hill Country REACT – Team # 4804 – President
Tejas Trails Communication Group – Cactus Rose and Bandera 100k Ultra-Marathons – Coordinator

Rocky Raccoon Communications Group – Tejas Trails Liaison


Jan 7

fiestalogoThe San Antonio Radio Fiesta is scheduled for Saturday, January 9, 2016 at the Schertz Civic Center, 1400 Schertz Pkwy, Schertz, Texas.

As everyone knows the weather was not in our favor last year, but we had a good turnout considering.

The Schertz Civic Center offers more floor space and tables in the exhibit hall. We will have a meeting area that will seat approximately 180 people, plus a meeting area for VE testing. With four programs scheduled plus the winter meeting of the Texas VHF Society (hopefully), we believe our attendance will increase.

– Rowena Archer, KF5JCZ, Event Chairman

Radio Fiesta CrowdSAN ANTONIO

The Amateur Radio Fiesta will be Saturday, January 9, 2016.

  • HOURS: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday.
  • LOCATION: Schertz Civic Center – 1400 Schertz Pkwy, Schertz, TX
  • TALK IN FREQUENCY: 146.940 (-, 179.9)
  • Amateur Radio Fiesta set up:
    • Friday Night – 4 to 9 pm
    • Saturday – Set up starting at 6:30 am with the doors opening at 8 am.
  • Admission Ticket: $10 at the door
  • Dealer Tables: $14 at the door, if available
  • Flea Market Tables: $10 at the door, if available
  • Tailgate Spaces: 1 free with purchase of an admission ticket to hall, (extra tailgate space) $5 each
  • Extra Prize Tickets: $1 each or 12 for $10

Also, If you want to join, or renew your membership, with the San Antonio Radio Club, you can save $3 by paying at the Radio Fiesta. Look for the SARC table near the front entrance. Dues: $12 for entire family by Jan 9 ($15 after). Sign up every ham in your family for one low price! Cheapest club rates in town (compared with those groups who charge annual dues)!

For additional information on our great programs and schedule of events, please view our PDF Flyer at http://w5sc.org/2016%20webpage%20flyer%20B.pdf.

May 24

The Skywarn Operators at the Austin-San Antonio NWO are in the process of updating our files and call-up list. Recently we have found the EC’s, Skywarn Coordinators and Net Controls have changed drastically in the various counties we serve.
It has also been found that several repeaters used in the past to contact and monitor Skywarn operations have changed or are no longer functioning.
If someone from each county could please e-mail me the contact information, frequencies and other pertinent information for ARES and Skywarn it would be greatly appreciated.
Also be advised that we have created a Facebook page and Twitter account to help get the word out. Feel free to like or follow to stay up to date with our operations.
Thank You, Louis – K5STX
e-mail to wx5exw at gmail dot com

Aug 7

Ladies and gentleman, we did an outstanding job of organizing and fighting the attempted take over of simplex Freq by the Digital Repeater folks. There was some very spirited debate going on at the meeting (TX VHF-FM Summer Meeting in Austin, 8/5/2011)  with a strong force against this proposed Band Plan change. 

I am glad so many of us put forth an effort to get the word out to fight, I believe had we not done so the Band Plan would have passed and we would have lost some valued frequencies. As it is they the vote was just about 2:1 against the proposed band plan change with 58 against and 26 in favor.

As a note, it was a big surprise to find out the Armadilo group was not supporting in and most of them were against the plan as well, so shows you how fast misinformation can spread.  I appologize for my repeating such rumors.


After the vote, a motion for a very solid method of dealing with the digital/analog situation was proposed and it made sense for all parties there and should pass next year. Check out the Texas VHF FM society web page for exact details.

But this shows that if we organize and fight for what we believe in, we can overcome. Thanks to all who voted this ill conceived idea down.

Greg Lewis/N5XO


Aug 4

Continuing a Ham tradition!

Once again it’s time for fun in the sun in central Texas as we make the Capital City the place to be in the middle of the Texas summer.  Come and enjoy old friends, the swapfest, and all the events at Austin Summerfest 2011, including the ARRL Texas State Convention.  And as always, we also host the Summer Meeting of the Texas VHF-FM Society.
August 5th and 6th – Friday 6:00-9:00 PM & Saturday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Same location as last year – Austin Marriott Airport South at 4415 South IH 35
Note: The 146.940 repeater requires a 107.2 input PL tone.
Aug 4

I came away from the San Antonio meeting (8/1/2011) with the Texas VHF Society very disappointed. First off, based on the wide range of comments, complaints, etc from hams around town on the air and via e-mail I expected a much greater turn out, the turn out was a major disappointment. People if we do not stand up and count, we are going to lose a chunk of our simplex freq and it was CLEARLY JUST A STARTING POINT.

First off, the Texas VHF Society reps stated they are trusties of the band based on ruling by the FCC. Well if they are trusties then they represent ALL HAM RADIO OPERATORS, not the special interest groups in Houston, etc. In a case that impacts all of Texas Hams, I think it is inexcusable that you have to pay to vote on an issue that impacts us. On this issue, if you have a Ham lic then you should have a vote. A select group should not be able to run roughshod over thousands of ham radio operators.

I went to this meeting yesterday thinking they were looking for input from ham radio operators around the state and that a solid voice could help make a difference. That is not what the meeting was about, it was to tell us what they planned and basically that we needed to LIVE WITH IT.

Multiple things about this band plan concern me.

Read the rest of this entry »
