Feb 12

The Orange Amateur Radio Club and Jefferson County Amateur Radio Club will be holding their annual Orange Hamfest on Saturday, February 25, 2012, athe VFW Post 2775 in Orange, Texas. For more details go to: http://www.qsl.net/w5nd/ .

Director Woolweaver, STX SM Lee Cooper, STX SEC Tom Whitesides and I all plan to attend. Come talk to us – we might learn something!

Vice Director
West Gulf Division

Feb 12

ARRL will conduct a virtual tour of Amateur Radio’s flagship station, W1AW, at 5:00 p.m. EST today, February 12, 2012.
The station is impressive and should be seen – and operated – by every HAM. If you haven’t seen it, this is an excellent opportunity to see how membership dollars and donations have been put to an outstanding use.


Feb 2

The following letter (from REACT) was hand delivered to SARO at their membership meeting on January 27th. The SARO membership subsequently passed a motion at that same meeting, to authorize the SARO board to spend up to $5,000 for obtaining the services of a tower crew and needed hardware to finish this project ASAP. 

Nearly 2 years ago, Hill Country REACT purchased  a 1283 ft long’ spool of 1-5/8″ foam core Anderson Heliax, and reserved it for the completion of the 147.14 restoration project, but if the project remains unlikely to move forward, this valuable resource will be reassigned, or sold  by, REACT for other more feasible projects. – Lee N5NTG

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Jan 28

Ham Radio Help Desk – January 2012 Newsletter

Hams helping hams make the most of the hobby of amateur radio. 

  1. ‘UHF’ Connector Test Results – 2011-10-02 21:10:43-04
    Real measured data reveal the UHF (PL259 and SO239) connectors have real limitations.
  2. Hexbeam Gets a Spine – 2011-10-03 00:15:49-04
    My G3TXQ Hexbeam gets a new metal backbone to accommodate a VHF beam antenna. A byproduct is a much stronger antenna assembly.
  3. Installing Ground Rods the Easy Way – 2011-10-04 23:54:04-04
    Ground Rods… so easy a pre-teen can do it. Presented is a method learned from other hams on how to install a ground rod with minimal or no hammering. Using a watering can, even children can sink an 8 foot ground rod into the ground. All it takes is water and time.
  4. Help: How can I Migrate Microsoft Works 2004 Logs to New Program – 2011-11-05 10:16:16-04
    K3CDQ asks: I have an old computer with lots of 2002, 3 and 4 software on it. I have thirty years of ham contacts logged in a data base that I worked up using Microsoft Works 2004. I now have a new computer with all 2010 and 2011 software on it and running XP. I […]
  5. J-Pole Antenna – Should I ground it? – 2012-01-28 01:10:48-05
    To function as intended, the J-Pole antenna needs electrical isolation from its mount. Here’s why and in technicolor no less.

(c) 2011-2012 John Huggins Internet, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA

Jan 18

After a 6 month hiatus, the SA Hams Monthly Newsletter will be returning on a monthly basis starting in February.  I’ll try to get one published around the end of the month for the following month.  i.e. February’s issue ought to go out near the end of January, etc. We had a small issue where our mailing software wasn’t compliant with the Windows 7 64 bit operating systems we had previously upgraded all of our computers to, so we’ve now setup one dedicated laptop computer at our office to run the older 32 bit version of Vista <gasp>, and the software seems to be happy now.

If you have any CLUB news, Ham Radio related news or stories (that you didn’t already post on the website blog area), send them to me no later than the 20th of the month to be included in the upcoming issue.  

The easiest way to get your stuff included, is of course post it on the Blog.  I’ve been adding other hams as authors, so they can post their own stories without my needing to be involved directly.  That’s my preferred manner of submitting.  Let the visitors to the site read about what you or your club is doing, and then I’ll mail it out to the list of subcribers (currently about 400+ hams) at the end of the month.


If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter, or confirm you have already subscribed, send email with your name & call sign to subscribe@sanantoniohams.org.   How much easier can that be?   Each newsletter will have a prominent “unsubscribe” link in case you changed your mind.   The newsletters will be focused on ham radio news, and may contain a minor amount of advertising by hams who want to do business with you (like my ads for example), but the majority of this HTML based newsletter will be news & photos from events.

Jan 18

SARC LogoI don’t know the final figures for attendance at this event last weekend, but the main vendor hall area was packed!  I was there handling the radio talk-in, as I’ve coordinated for the past 15-17 years or so, plus I was a paid vendor in the back corner of the room as well!

It was really nice to see friends from around Texas that I hadn’t seen in ages, or since last year’s event in some cases. 

Here are some photos that I took from this year’s event, using my handy dandy Sprint HTC EVO cell phone…  (love that 8 mega pixel camera feature).

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Jan 18

For the past couple of years, I’ve had a free classified ads section on this website.  Every day I get multiple submissions for ads to be posted, but all ads require moderation.   The main reason I set it up for moderation?  999 out of every 1,000 ads submitted are SPAM.   The ads are from India, from folks trying to earn $77/hour from home by posting ads, Scam Ads, and in general, ads that have nothing to do with ham radio or the person posting being a ham radio operator.

We’ve had no new legitimate ads posted within the past 90 days, just SPAM ads.  Got 4 more of the bogus ads over night last night.  

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Nov 13


Hill Country State Natural Area – Bandera, Texas


 When: 7th and 8th of January 2012


It is that time of year, to start forming the roster and making preparations for the 10th Annual Bandera 100k Ultra-Marathon held at Hill Country State Natural Area in Bandera County.

Tejas Trails Communication Group – Sponsored by Hill Country REACT has been the lead team for communications for this event the past 6 years with the assistance of many hams from the San Antonio, Austin and other areas around the state..

This event typically requires 15 – 16 Amateur Radio Operators in a situation that is similar to what an Emergency Communications Operator would experience in a disaster zone. UHF, VHF and Packet communications are involved in this event.

This is a fun event with challenges.  The participants of this event, are of a type you will not encounter at most other events we deal with throughout the year.  Over the years, we have made some lasting friendships!

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Nov 13

Title: 13th Annual Skywarn Recognition Day
Location: Austin/San Antonio National Weather Service Office – New Braunfels Airport
Description: The Austin/San Antonio National Weather Service Office will be participating in the 2011 Skywarn Recognition Day, which will occur from 1800hrs 2 December 2011 to 1800hrs 3 December 2011.

Our station will again be operating for the entire 24 hours time period, utilizing 2m, 440, multiple HF bands, as well as Echolink and IRLP contacts.

This is the 13th year for the program, and I believe will be the 9th year this station has participated. Each year, our station, thanks to the dedication and perseverance of many dedicated hams from throughout the South Central Texas area, has improved on its contact status, and rating in the Skywarn Recognition Day program.

All Licensed Amateur Radio Operators are invited to participate in this fun event.  Yes, Technician class licensees are encouraged to participate, as we do utilize 2m, 440 and the digital modes!

We schedule operators in 2 hours blocks of time, with a maximum of 3 operators per block! Of course, if you choose to, you may request scheduling for multiple blocks, either consecutive or broken. Such as one evening shift and one early morning shift.

Due to limited security, space, and the fact the NWS staff is still operating, we can only have 3 operators, and try to keep the noise level to a minimum. Although, many members of the staff enjoy hearing the goings on, when things are not busy on their end. We have had severe weather events occur, during the SRD.

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Nov 6

Hi. Max, at the Red Cross, built a beautiful radio/workbench for the Red Cross radio room.          Then, he built this second one that is now available. It is about 8 foot wide. Max moved to Ohio and we are trying to help him out. If you have an interest in this please contact Jack Pike at the Red Cross or Ray at raym701@yahoo.com for more info. Thanks 73 Ray


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