SA Hams Monthly Newsletter Returns!

After a 6 month hiatus, the SA Hams Monthly Newsletter will be returning on a monthly basis starting in February.  I’ll try to get one published around the end of the month for the following month.  i.e. February’s issue ought to go out near the end of January, etc. We had a small issue where our mailing software wasn’t compliant with the Windows 7 64 bit operating systems we had previously upgraded all of our computers to, so we’ve now setup one dedicated laptop computer at our office to run the older 32 bit version of Vista <gasp>, and the software seems to be happy now.

If you have any CLUB news, Ham Radio related news or stories (that you didn’t already post on the website blog area), send them to me no later than the 20th of the month to be included in the upcoming issue.  

The easiest way to get your stuff included, is of course post it on the Blog.  I’ve been adding other hams as authors, so they can post their own stories without my needing to be involved directly.  That’s my preferred manner of submitting.  Let the visitors to the site read about what you or your club is doing, and then I’ll mail it out to the list of subcribers (currently about 400+ hams) at the end of the month.


If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter, or confirm you have already subscribed, send email with your name & call sign to   How much easier can that be?   Each newsletter will have a prominent “unsubscribe” link in case you changed your mind.   The newsletters will be focused on ham radio news, and may contain a minor amount of advertising by hams who want to do business with you (like my ads for example), but the majority of this HTML based newsletter will be news & photos from events.


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