This Saturday, November 9th, SARC members will be able to celebrate the club’s Centennial in true radio fashion. This will be the forth and last Special Event operations during 2019.
We will be using the new station at San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology.
The station is set up in an office space at the Museum, and is supplied with equipment from the Museum’s warehouse and some donations from SARC members.
The Special Event day will proceed in three parts:
1. Setup, done by a volunteer team headed by Joe Bruno W5AUQ, which will begin at 7:45 AM at the storage facility. The setup team will move the club’s tower, beam, and rotator to SAMSAT on the club’s trailer. They will then set up the antenna system, connect it, and test it for proper operation.
2. Operation, done by volunteer operators, will begin at 10 AM when the Museum opens.
For this Special Event, Tom O’Brien AB5XZ will coordinate the station operation. Logging will be done on a computer provided by Tom O’Brien, and will utilize logging software he provides. Operators will be given instruction on logging, antenna rotation, and transceiver operation. SARC members may operate the station between 10 AM and 4 PM, when the Museum closes. We will use special event call sign W5SC/100. Other amateurs may operate, but SARC members will have priority. Operation will be on the 20 meter band using SSB mode.
3. Teardown, done by a volunteer team headed by Joe Bruno W5AUQ, which will begin at 4 PM. The teardown team will disconnect the antenna system, disassemble it, and prepare it for transport back to the storage facility.
Contact Joe Bruno to volunteer for the Setup or Teardown team (or both). or 210.363.9500
Contact Tom O’Brien AB5XZ to sign up for operating time. There will be plenty of time/room for everybody. or 210.845.4966