New Mtg Location- SARC 5/9/2019

Grady’s BBQ has apparently closed their location on San Pedro at Jackson Keller unexpectedly. So, the officers of the club had to scramble and find a new location to meet this coming Thursday.

Below is the information for the new location, at least for this month. We’ll post an update once a permanent location has been chosen.

May 9th 7PM
Coker United Methodist Church

231 E. North Loop Road,
San Antonio, Texas 78216

Wesley Building Room 703-04

Coker UMC is down the road from Grady’s (on Nakoma & 281) on North Loop Road. The Wesley building is just across from the Sanctuary. We must be done and gone by 9pm.

Map link…,-98.5057766/Coker+United+Methodist+Church,+231+E.+North+loop+Road/@29.5520172,-98.5056974,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m9!4m8!1m1!4e1!1m5!1m1!1s0x865c6031fda197d3:0x1df4b3aaa4509323!2m2!1d-98.4913802!2d29.5554109


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