This year the San Antonio
Rock and Roll Marathon
will take up 2 days.
Saturday, December 6th, will feature the 10k race (new event), while Sunday, December 7th, will feature the normal bicycle tour, full marathon and half marathon races that the Ham Radio operators in San Antonio have long supported.
Due to the increased need for our services, we are especially looking for hams who are willing to work the timer clocks on both days. The 10k Race route overlaps the top part of the marathon route to a certain extent.
View the full route maps here.
Assignments will be made mostly on a first come, first serve basis, with preference given to those who have worked a location in the past, or living nearby, etc. Some assignments may require the volunteer to synchronize multiple clocks, such as one for the 1/2 marathon and one for the full marathon that are within a block or so of each other. If we get lots of volunteers, that will reduce the need for double assignments.
Please contact Lee N5NTG to volunteer via email or text message (210-771-7075). Remember to provide your name, callsign, contact info and which events you are available to help with. Please let Lee know if your radio can do both 2 meter and 440 UHF, or just 2 meter because we’re looking at using some alternative repeater frequencies to possibly minimize interference from idiots. Most locations will work fine with just an HT, but the southern most positions may need higher power. If you have a preference or special need, please include that information.
Don’t forget that the clocks will need to be picked up on Friday evening. Once you get your assignment, please take time to locate your physical location during daylight hours, because trying to find your way in before sunrise can sometimes be a real challenge. Roads will be getting closed off hours prior to the start of the race, starting at the north end and working down south.
Ham volunteers will be picking up the timer clocks & tripods on Friday evening from one of the parking lots behind the Alamo Dome (off Cherry Street, north of Caesar Chavez / Durango) and receive maps, t-shirts and a briefing about any changes to the routes (and yes there are changes).
On both race days, our start line ham will advise us over the net when the race is about to start, and help us synchronize the starting of our clocks. It is suggested that all volunteers set up the tripods ahead of time and have their clock(s) sitting outside of the suitcase(s) waiting to flip the switch.
Clocks, tripods and related gear will be automatically picked up by the “end of race” clean up crew, so once the end of the runners have cleared your position, box up the clock and stack it on the side of the road with the collapsed tripod.
The 10k race is starting at 9am on Sunday and ought to be over before noon because this is actually just a 6.2 mile run. The finish line will end near the Alamo, not the Alamo Dome.
Saturday’s Bicycle Tour will start at 6:45am and follow the full marathon route for the most part.
The Marathon and Half Marathon races will start at 7:30am on Cherry Street (behind the Alamo Dome) and will end on Cherry Street (behind the Alamo Dome) as it did last year. Please look at the event map routes for each race. There have been changes to which roads are being utilized. One example is a reduced use of Mission Road, substituting the use of Roosevelt Avenue instead.
There will be higher use of that bicycle / running path along the river than there was last year, requiring the use of the REACT Team’s golf cart more than ever. Last year was the first time they used that path and the REACT Team’s golf cart came in very handy since larger motorized vehicles could not sweep that portion of the route. Bryce KE5KFD and his daughter, used the cart to place and retrieve the timer clocks along the 4 mile stretch (5 miles this year). Bryce also ended up transporting injured runners and EMT’s to the nearest medical station as well. The REACT Team has agreed to make their cart available for use again this year.
If you have read this far, thank you for being interested in becoming a Ham Radio volunteer for these events. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Lee Besing, N5NTG
Ham Coordinator