Title: Tejas Trails – Cactus Rose 100/50 Ultra-Marathon
Location: Hill Country State Natural Area – Bandera County, TX
Link out: Click here
Description: Public Service Event coordinated Hill Country REACT and supported by Highland Lakes Amateur Radio Club and other Amateur Radio Operators from around the state.
Amateur Radio Operators provide voice and data communications between Race Central and 2 remote check points along the course. As this event has grown substantially since it’s inception, reliable communications for Safety and Logistics has grown in importance. Amateur Radio Operators are challenged during this 36 hour long event, having to provide everything to keep their stations up and running, with no permanent infrastructure to support communications.
We utilize 2m and 70cm voice, as well as packet communications for various needs during this event.
As with all Tejas Trails events, the recognition and appreciation of all the volunteers, especially the communications group is heartfelt, from top to bottom of the organization and the participants. Having worked various types of events throughout the years, the Tejas Trails group knows how to take care of it’s volunteers.
Individuals interested in assisting or more information should contact coordinator Louis – K5STX at k5stx at k5stx dot net or 830-305-2889
Start Date: 2014-10-25
Start Time: 05:30
End Date: 2014-10-26
End Time: 17:30
October 15th, 2013 at 2:37 PM
RT @N5NTG: Tejas Trails – Cactus Rose 100/50 Ultramarathon: Title: Tejas Trails – Cactus Rose 100/50 Ultra-M… http://t.co/1Uq4zHAjX8