The Chapparal Amateur Radio Club, CARC-ARES, in Seguin will be changing its weekly net effective Tuesday, August 17 from its current time of 2000 hrs on Thursday to 1900 hrs on Tuesday except for the second Tuesday of each month which is the clubs regular meeting night.
The purpose of the net is to promote the interests and activities of CARC and Guadalupe County ARES. It, however is not an ARES net and announcements of events of interest to hams in the surrounding areas are welcome.
The net convenes on the club repeater which operates of a frequency of 146.76 MHz with a negative offset and a PL tone of 141.3 in Seguin / Guadalupe County.
de Joe W4CTH
March 14th, 2012 at 2:40 PM
I have recently moved to Seguin and wish to join your club. KE5LDO.