Bexar Operators Group Announces 2010 Field Day Location And Operating Class

The Bexar Operators Group (W5BOG) has unveiled it’s location for the 2010 ARRL Field Day event held on the last full weekend in June.

We will be operating from Choke Canyon State Park in the “Calliham Unit” based in a shelter (cabin). In keeping with the original philosophy of what Field Day should be, we will be testing several new antenna designs and operating our rigs using deep cycle batteries charged by several banks of solar panels. If there is enough wind, we will erect our wind turbine to generate power.

Our operating class will be either 1B Batt. or 1A Batt. Nothing will be pre-planned as this is a test of our emergency communications deployment capabilities. The last time we were at this location for a “Field Day” event was in 2007 when we made several hundred contacts using just a basic “Inverted V” antenna. (2009 – Lost Maples State Park, 2008 – Mustang Island) 

This year, if weather conditions permit, we may “fly” one vertical antenna, for 80 and 160 meters, using one of our weather balloons like we used during the recent 160 meter contest. Other antenna designs might include a 40 meter “Wire Beam” antenna and the new “IK-STIC 4” all band antenna. We will have other operating surprises as well.

Newbies are always welcome and are encouraged to attend so they can learn “contest-type” (even though this is NOT a contest) operating techniques and how by properly using propagation characteristics their scores can be enhanced. 

Anyone interested in joining us should contact:  in advance of the event as space is limited. All food and drinks will be provided.

Bob W2IK – W5BOG


2 Responses

  1. WO7ROB Says:

    No familiar with W5BOG. Is this a neutral group like SA Hams or is it a new club in the area?

  2. W2IK Says:

    This is an investigative club, not a social radio club. It has been in operation for several years. Please see previous W5BOG or “Bexar Operators Group” postings to get a feel of what we do. Also feel free to check our web site: By the way, Rob, I am W2IK (Bob), we met at the CERT ID card meeting at the Lone Oak FD just last week.

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