Bexar Operators Group Offers “2010 Jump Team Boot Camp” session to Guadalupe County ARES Group


In the spirit of, as Lee, N5NTG, put it: “….it struck me how much the “turf boundaries” between clubs has shrunk, …… I think that “shrinking” is a good thing to be happening” 

In the spirit of cooperation, the Bexar Operators Group has offered to underwrite and offer their “2010 Jump Team Boot Camp” to members of the Chaparral Amateur Radio Club (which happens to also be the Guadalupe County ARES group).

This would be the third “Jump Team Boot Camp” given by the Bexar Operators Group. It would be a two-day (not three day) deployment event at a site with no facilities north-east of Austin. This “Jump Team Boot Camp” will concentrate on amateur radio and the ways and means to get a communications jump team operational should there be a need to deploy some distance from your home and communicate in the aftermath of a disaster. This session is planned for the weekend of  March 20-21st, but we are open to other weekend dates within this Spring time frame.

Just like previous sessions given by the Bexar Operators Group, this will be an actual drive-and-operate operation and NOT a desktop drill. When the destination has been reached, all participants will assist in the construction of shelters and operating areas after being prepped on procedures.

Also be aware that the actual destination will not be a local park so like an actual emergency communications deployment we will have to bring everything that we need including every ounce of water. This location will be a truly primitive site.

We will be teaching the proper way to do the all-important site evaluation before any structure or antenna is erected in order to avoid problems which could be encountered should weather take a turn for the worse (additional rains and/or high winds). We will be supplying energy to operate using two types of power: gas generation and solar generation with instruction on the set up and safe operation each system.

Since it is important that every Jump Team member have a firm grasp of all aspects of setting up and operating during an emergency, special emphasis will be placed on the logical sequence of setting up (structures, power and antennas),  meeting nutritional requirements (basic cooking and meal planning),  station operation and message logging/handling and band propagation.

Along with instructions during each phase of setting up and operation, there will be short lectures and discussions with input from all.

Please be sure to read the section on “Creating A Viable Jump Team” located at: WWW.W5BOG.COM on a secondary page so attendees will have a basic understanding of jump team operation. Each person attending needs to supply their own sleeping bag and any personal items and any medications they might need. We also need a list of any food allergies / other allergies attendees might have. Each attendee will be required to sign a liability release form, be in good health and sign a consent form so photos can be taken and used on any web sites or publication.

We will check in to various HF nets during our operation and pass mock traffic to stations who will be awaiting our messages. All communications gear, antennas, shelters, instructional booklets and food will be provided.

Our two day scenario will involve the aftermath of a hurricane landfall that has also spawned tornadoes which have devastated a wide area. Combined with this hurricane landfall, we are projecting significant property damage and lack of power, water and basic services over a widespread area. It is our intent to set up our communications network which will pass requests and health and welfare traffic in to and out of the affected area. 

We are currently working with several communications groups in and out of Texas to help in the receiving and sending of mock HF traffic for this training. A portable VHF repeater will also be used to demonstrate search and rescue communications within a limited area so attendees are also requested to bring with them any portable (hand-held) two meter radios they might have with extended power packs.

We wish to limit attendees to about 12. If we get only 6 to attend from the Guadalupe County ARES group, we will open this offer  to other groups, but still limit it to 12 attendees since this is a shortened version of the original session and a lot of information needs to be covered. If you are not a member of this group but wish to be put on a waiting list, please email us at W2IK@ARRL.NET with your request. People on the waiting list will be informed by December if there are any openings.

W5BOG – Bexar Operators Group


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