After consulting with some of the more active ham radio operators in Central South Texas, it has been decided to hold a South Texas NVIS antenna test on Sunday, October 11th.
In order for this to be an accurate test, we ask that you use an NVIS antenna, that is, an actual half wave full length dipole for 40 meters (no traps or coils) elevated to a height of between 4 feet and 16 feet ONLY.
We will be using a frequency of 7.265 mhz (+ or – 5 khz). The time for this event will be 2 pm local time (CT). We will run this experiment as an NVIS net, asking for check-ins and then allowing each station to report their location and describe their antenna (height, running direction, power used, etc) After each station has reported their information, we will go through our list again and ask for reception reports from all check-ins so the stations can make any corrections to their antenna set ups.
If we have enough time, we will also drop down to 75 meters, doing the same on or about 3.950 mhz. Please use a full length half wave dipole, cut for 75 meters, for this frequency.
It is also hoped that pictures can be taken from each location of the operation so we can compile a report to all, that will be posted on WWW.W5BOG.COM and WWW.SANANTONIOHAMS.ORG at a later date.
Please email me if you intend on being a part of this test. I hope that as many groups as possible will be a part of this.
Please pass the word. The more people or groups we can get involved the more accurate the test will be and the more effective your communications group will be in an emergency.
Bexar Operators Group
July 29th, 2010 at 3:20 PM
Will this happen this year also?