Andrew Watson KD5NNN has kindly emailed us 24 photos that he took during the first day of the Field Day weekend event in San Antonio, TX. This was the combined FD event with 6 clubs participating. Unfortunately, he managed to catch me in some of these photos, and I’m normally on the other side of a camera when photos are taken. Oh well, fair is fair, I guess. 🙂
And as usual, please help us in identifying the hams in each photo. If we’ve failed to identify a person properly or not at all, please post a comment letting us know which photo to update and we’ll get it taken care of.
Here are his photos…. He’s promised me more photos later on….
Chuck W5API and David WS5Q setting up the GOTA station
GOTA Station sign
Gordon setting up the crank-up tower
Gordon setting up the crank-up tower
Hams tour the 6 meter station inside the “bookmobile”, a trailer supplied by the City’s Fire Department.
Dale KB5YSJ and Linda KC5QPQ in the 6 meter station
Bruce Parkes was our Medical Guy, making sure that setup went smooth
20 Meter station on the air
Hill Country REACT sponsored the 10 meter and 75/80 meter station
Lee N5NTG watches as the US Airforce makes a fly-over, celebrating Field Day? The FD site was within a mile of the AFB where pilots did touch and go practice flights all weekend.
Lee N5NTG getting antennas and other gear from his van
REACT members Wade W5ERX (red shirt) and Charlie KC5NKK (white shirt) set up a 260′ 80 meter full wave length dipole antenna
Wade W5ERX setting up an antenna for Field Day
Al KE6LGE was the owner of the RV used by REACT as the station for 10 meters and 75 meters. REACT ran both voice and PSK out of the RV.
Lee N5NTG hanging up the signs to indicate 10 and 75 meter operations at this station. We used this type of sign to clearly indicate to the visitors what band was being worked where.
Bob K5AUW running PSK31
Bob K5AUW running PSK31
SARC members setting up the 40 meter station
Everybody uses Heliax for feeding repeaters, but SARC used a length of Heliax for the actual antenna. This antenna was a tradition of the SARC ham club for many years.
Here comes another fly-over by the US Airforce. Stick your fingers in your ears, cause these “puppies” are loud!
Larry W5EX from the local chapter of QCWA enjoying Field Day
Richard WB5ACN working the SARC 40 meter station
20 meter station, hams chatting before getting on the air
July 5th, 2009 at 6:14 PM
[…] Field Day 2009 – San Antonio Photos – Part 2 of ??? […]