Oct 19

Would you like to get YOUR Amateur Radio License?

Have you thought about the hobby of “Ham” Radio, but weren’t sure where to start? Perhaps you think that it’s just too hard to learn, or that the test is expensive, or that you have to know that dit-dah stuff; y’know, Morse Code. Well, here’s where we can help!

Atascosa County Amateur Radio Club wants to help bring more people into the “Ham” Radio community. We are gearing up to offer classes for the Technician Class License, the first license that a person earns to become an Amateur Radio Operator.

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Oct 19

Members of the San Antonio Radio Club W5SC and Alamo Area Radio Organization AA5RO put on their annual JOTA event out in Castle Hills, at the McGimsey Scout Park, located off NW Military near Lockhill Selma Road.   This is an annual event held the 3rd Saturday of each October.  

Another local JOTA event was held up at Canyon Lake, but we don’t (yet) have any photos or details to share.

Andrew KD5NNN attended the event, and was kind enough to share these photos with us…

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Oct 19

Just received three dozen photos taken during the 2009 BikeMS Valero Alamo Ride to the River event on October 3rd, from Joe KA1MZY, the guy who helped provide us with some of the video footage that we incorporated into the long feature length video (33 minutes).   His YouTube.com ID is “Texas700” and I encourage you to check out his videos…

Here are his photos, mostly from BP#2, BP#4 and Lunch BP…

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Oct 19

October 17th was the date of the 15th anniversary celebration at the Great Northwest Branch Library, one of many branches that is part of the San Antonio Public Library system.  This library is located off of Grissom Road, near Culebra & Tezel Rd.  

Because this branch is the site of VE Test Sessions every other month by Pat AD5BR, representing the SARC VE Team, the head librarian asked Lee N5NTG to put on a demonstration Ham Radio Station as part of their celebration.  SARC was already committed to being at JOTA over at McGimsey Scout Park in Castle Hills, so Hill Country REACT agreed to sponsor the station at this event.

Below are two videos that I made up from the raw footage and photos taken during the event. 

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