Jul 25

I live in a “ham friendly” HOA on the NW side of San Antonio, TX, and our neighbors are very active in the community fighting graffiti and other common problems.  We’ve got our own 24/7 private security guards that cruise the neighborhoods (all 7 subdivisions, about 5,000 properties) all hours of the day and night, plus keeping an eye on our 2 swimming pools and other facilities. The Great Northwest Community Improvement Association has nearly 21,000 residents in 7 subdivisions, 4,959 properties, non-gated, inside the city limits of San Antonio.

Yesterday, Saturday, 7/25, they held a “paint drive” to collect latex paint for the city.  The city then mixes and redistributes the paint free to folks fighting graffiti in their neighborhoods.

Here is a short video about their efforts…

Jul 25

KE5DFK (Carlos) and KE5HLS (Robert) under the Guadalupe Valley Amateur Radio Club call WB5LVI will operate from DL88 and DL89 August 21 thru August 26, 2009.

Bands:  6m 50.125 plus or minus 125Khz for the DL88 hunters.15m, 17m, 20m, 40m, 80m, 160m? SSB20m, 30m 40m PSK/RTTY. Two bands will be active at all times. Visitors welcome.

We will monitor the local 146.820 repeater with a 146.2 tone.   More info:  ke5hls@arrl.net or ke5dfk@yahoo.com   QSL:  SASE to the www.qrz.com address for WB5LVI

Jul 25

Bexar O G  glow greenInformation about the Bexar Operators Group, including what they have done and their planned events, can now be found at their new site: Bexar Operators Group – Home  

This club is an active amateur radio group and not a social club. Up coming events include participation in this year’s JOTA event which will focus on operating “green” with solar panels and wind turbines.

We also sponsor the annual “Jump Team Boot Camp”. All types of antenna testing and field operations are done in order to make members better operators in both contests and during emergency conditions.

This webpage also includes two links which will get you to W2IK’s old AOL webpages (45 of them) that were thought lost. Between the two you should find them all!

For further info, contact us through our new web page or at: W2IK@arrl.net
