Mar 18

HT Rodeo!
Sponsored by your friendly neighborhood ARES group!

Saturday, April 19, 2014 @ Red Cross on E Houston St, 78219

This All-day event starts at 9:00AM

  • HT Contests!
  • Antenna Shootout (2M)!
  • Prizes!
  • Free Picnic Lunch!
  • Educational workshops and seminars!
  • Free!
  • -No admission charge
  • -No entry fee
  • -No charge for lunch
    • (Desserts and snacks will be available for a small charge)
  • -No charge for workshops

To Participate:

  1. Pre-register by sending your name and call sign to Only those pre-registered by April 12th will be able to participate in the weeklong Roundup event leading up to the rodeo. Details on how to participate will be return emailed.
  2. Bring your HT to the event -preferably charged up and ready to rodeo!

Ruth Lewis KE5MHJ
Bexar County ARES EC

Feb 23

Ham_TechnicianThe class will be an entry level Test Equipment Class.  This class is for newcomers to amateur radio or old timers that just want to learn how to use test equipment, the tests and how they can apply to us as hams.  Our equipment list includes but is not limited to:

  • Digital VOM  Fluke
  • Analog VOM  Simpson 206
  • Oscilloscope 20 mHz Tektronix
  • 30 Amp Power Supply
  • Motorola Signal Generator
  • Elecraft RF Signal Source
  • MFJ-259 / 269

We will explore capacitors, resistors, diodes and ohms law!  There will be lots of “hands on” activity in this class!  Bring some paper, pen or pencils, and a calculator with you.    This information will help you understand the Ham Radio hobby, and might even help you better understand the questions on the Extra Class test as well.

Read the rest of this entry »

Nov 26

I have a Yaesu FT-450D with power supply for sale for 800$USD.  (Photo is a stock photo provided by this site’s webmaster)

Cliff Gieseke,  W4ZFL/5
Tel. 210–745–1141
San Antonio, TX

Jul 15

Ed Kirk has the following stuff for sale. Contact him at 210-347-7690 for  pricing, condition, viewing, etc.

  • Heathkit SB-201 amp with 10 meters
  • Heathkit SB-601 station monitor
  • Clipperton-L amp
  • Dentron Super Tuner
  • Kenwood TS-430 transceiver
  • Kenwood TS-530S transceiver
  • Kenwood TR-9130 2 meter all mode
  • Yaesu FT-901DM with matching speaker/phone patch
  • Yaesu FT-7B transceiver

All needs cleaning, testing, etc. Some have manuals.

Nov 6

Hi. Max, at the Red Cross, built a beautiful radio/workbench for the Red Cross radio room.          Then, he built this second one that is now available. It is about 8 foot wide. Max moved to Ohio and we are trying to help him out. If you have an interest in this please contact Jack Pike at the Red Cross or Ray at for more info. Thanks 73 Ray

Oct 18

Medina County ARC
Great Antenna Shootout & Tail Gate Swap Fest

Date: November 13, 2010       Time: 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Hondo Community Center
1014 18th Street
Hondo, TX 78861

Contact: Walter Hock/KK5LO (281) 684-8075

Entry: FREE – ZIP – NADA

Categories: (Commercial & Home Brew)
1. Beginners – Single Element
2. Beginners – Multi Element
3. Old Pro – Single Element
4. Old Pro – Multi Element

• Are you the next Marconi or Tesla?
• Have you designed and built the best 2M antenna ever made?
• Do you want to know how yourfavorite commercial 2M antenna stacks up?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you need to come to the
Great Antenna Shootout & Tail Gate Swap Fest

Make your YL happy and bring your “old” stuff to sell too!
Or buy just one thing you’ve been looking for..

Food & drinks will be sold to raise funds for the Mediina County Amateur Club!

Nov 24

IMG_2257_2_N5XOAfter the remodeling of my shack I still have the following items for sale that I would like to sell asap. If anyone is interested let me know and we can work out a deal……

Items Remaining:
  1.  MFJ 989D full Legal Limit Antenna Tuner: $275.00 {sells for $369 new}
  2.  Hy-Gain: 160 to 6 meter ground mounted vertical: $240 {sells for $349 new}
  3.  Cushcraft 2 meter 20 element hi-gain beam {10 elements vertical, 10 elements Horizontal}
    Excellent beam when you want one antenna to handle both SSB and FM on 2 meters}  $200.00

Read the rest of this entry »

Sep 15
After consulting with some of the more active ham radio operators in Central South Texas, it has been decided to hold a South Texas NVIS antenna test on Sunday, October 11th.
In order for this to be an accurate test, we ask that you use an NVIS antenna, that is, an actual half wave full length dipole for 40 meters (no traps or coils) elevated to a height of between 4 feet and 16 feet ONLY.
Sep 5

MotorolaRadiusM1225Does anyone in the area have the ability to program a Motorola Radius M1225 – M43DGC90E2AA?

I am pretty sure it will program where I want it too! 

Please Reply to,

Thank You,

Louis Upton, K1STX

Aug 31

TexasBugCatcherThe following news was found at the website.

Effective October 31, 2009,  GLA Systems will cease to manufacture the  Texas BugCatcher Antenna.  It has been a fun 30 years but it is time to hang it up.  I would like to thank everyone that has made this experience possible. I have made many friends (maybe an enemy or two) but overall it has been a great trip down a long road.

All orders received before October 31, 2009 will be filled.   Effective  November 1, 2009 only orders for items that may be in stock at the time will be accepted.

Also effective December 31, 2009 the 1-800-588-2841 toll free line will be discontinued.

73 and Happy Hamming to all
Good luck and best wishes.

Henry, K5BUG & Tina Allen
GLA Systems
2802 County Rd 2226
Caddo Mills, TX 75135


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