Oct 24

JOTA - Canyon Lake DamBoy Scout LogoUnder the direction of Mike, AB5EB, a rather large contingent of boy scouts and cub scouts converged at Overlook Point near the Canyon Lake dam in Texas to see what amateur radio was all about. They got more than they envisioned as the diversity of amateur radio was revealed. The amateur radio operators, featuring Mike, AB5EB, Rich, N5RAG, Carlos, KE5DFK and Bob, W2IK, were ready and waiting with several stations that operated using several modes, such as voice, digital and slow-scan television.

Other events were offered such as two antenna building sessions where scouts built actual antennas from scrap materials and used them to make contacts.The most rewarding event was the merit badge class given by Mike, AB5EB. During the class, they learned quite a bit about radio communications, “Q” signals, etc and were each also required to make an actual ham radio contact.

JOTA - Canyon Lake DamAlso covered were basics in fox-hunting using a homemade “tape measure” antenna, PSK digital operating basics, viewing slow-scan television pictures being sent by other hams, MARS, Military Affiliated Radio Systems were explained and as added bonuses, several scouts assembled short wave radio kits using point to point wiring and in the afternoon a “geo-caching” hunt was held where scouts used GPS units, under the direction of a scout dad, to discover hidden “treasures”.

Also available were food and refreshments sold under the direction of scout moms and dads as a fundraiser. Next year’s event promises to be bigger and better!

Below are more photos from the event.  For more information about the sponsoring group, please visit them on the web at www.KX5BSA.org

Bob  W2IK

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Oct 24

SARO LogoAt SARO’s meeting last Friday, October 24th, the following members were nominated and placed on the ballot for election to the Board.

Only 3 positions were up for election, and 2 of the 3 incumbents were among those nominated.  The 3rd officer chose to decline nomination.

The five persons who will be listed on the Ballot, in no particular order since that choice was done after I had left the meeting.

  • Dale Robinson KB5YSJ
  • Mike Check K5UCQ
  • Eric Olsen WB5ZJG
  • Gary Tangrady K5GST
  • Don Kirchner W5DK

Ballots will be mailed out in November, with a designated December deadline for returning via mail only.  New directors will take office in January 2009 for 2 year terms.

Oct 24

AARO logoAARO has mailed out the ballots for their Board of Directors election.  Four vacancies are up for election this year, 3 normal vacancies for 2 year terms, and 1 unexpected vacancy caused by a resignation, for a 1 year term.

But to make it more fun, originally there were five AARO members on the ballot, but one nominee apparently withdrew prior to the printing of the materials and mailing of the ballots. So they have 4 members running for 4 slots, and AARO members get to decide who gets the 1 year slot, and other nominees get the 2 year slot.

Deadline to return ballots is November 12th, via mail or by bringing to their meeting that night.

Nominees are (in order shown on ballot)

  • Teri Thomas KC5BJI
  • Linda Robinson, KC5QPQ
  • Benny Martinez, NU5P
  • Charles Thomas, WA3PAY

More info found at their club web site, www.AA5RO.org

(But their website still shows the older meeting location of American Red Cross, as of the date of this posting.)
