Oct 26

AARO logoAARO has announced their annual Holiday Awards Banquet, to be held Friday, December 12th, 2008 at 6pm.  Location is their usual place, Grady’s BBQ, 7400 Bandera Road.

RSVP is required due to their need to order a certain number of dinners that night in advance.  Cost of tickets to this event set at $10 a person. Call Teri Thomas for reservations at 680-6841.

More info found soon at their club web site, www.AA5RO.org

Oct 26

AARO logoAARO was forced to change their meeting location back in early 2008 after some change in management occurred at the University Hospital which apparently caused all non-hospital groups to be evicted, so to speak.  AARO was one of those affected.

Since that time, AARO had been meeting on the east side of town, in the American Red Cross HQ building on East Houston.

But starting with the November meeting on the 12th, they will be back to meeting on the NW side of San Antonio, but not at the hospital.  Instead, they will be meeting at Martha’s Mexican Restaurant, 5822 Babcock, on the corner of Babock Rd & Huebner, just a mile or two away from the hospital.  (There is a UPS store and a T-Mobile store in the same shopping center.)

More info found at their club web site, www.AA5RO.org

(But their website still shows the older meeting location of American Red Cross, as of the date of this posting.)
