Sep 19

Texas QSO PartyJust a reminder….

The Texas QSO Party occurs on the last full weekend in September. The 2009 dates are the 26th and 27th of September. Operating times are from 1400Z on SATURDAY to 0200Z on SUNDAY and from 1400Z to 2000Z on SUNDAY. Operation on all bands except on 60 meters, 30 meters, 17 meters, and 12 meters is permitted. Stations may work the entire contest period. Be sure to submit your scores by October 31.

This is a great chance to work your fellow Texans and it’s fun, too!  Just read the rules at:  and try to work as many stations in Texas as you can. BUT WAIT! You are in Texas, too, so try to work as many states and countries as you can. Just call: “CQ Texas QSO Party”.  Each new state or country counts as a multiplier. No matter haow many or how few stations you work, turn in your score as per instructions on the home page.

Also, read so you’ll be aware of how a “little gun” can do well in a state QSO party. You might even want to operate with some fellow ham club members as a multi-op.  Above all…. HAVE FUN!

Bob  W2IK

Sep 17


In the spirit of, as Lee, N5NTG, put it: “….it struck me how much the “turf boundaries” between clubs has shrunk, …… I think that “shrinking” is a good thing to be happening” 

In the spirit of cooperation, the Bexar Operators Group has offered to underwrite and offer their “2010 Jump Team Boot Camp” to members of the Chaparral Amateur Radio Club (which happens to also be the Guadalupe County ARES group).

This would be the third “Jump Team Boot Camp” given by the Bexar Operators Group. It would be a two-day (not three day) deployment event at a site with no facilities north-east of Austin. This “Jump Team Boot Camp” will concentrate on amateur radio and the ways and means to get a communications jump team operational should there be a need to deploy some distance from your home and communicate in the aftermath of a disaster. This session is planned for the weekend of  March 20-21st, but we are open to other weekend dates within this Spring time frame.
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Sep 15
After consulting with some of the more active ham radio operators in Central South Texas, it has been decided to hold a South Texas NVIS antenna test on Sunday, October 11th.
In order for this to be an accurate test, we ask that you use an NVIS antenna, that is, an actual half wave full length dipole for 40 meters (no traps or coils) elevated to a height of between 4 feet and 16 feet ONLY.
Sep 14

Members of the Chaparral Amateur Radio Club (which happens to also be the Guadalupe County ARES group) set up and tested NVIS antennas at the county EOC in Seguin on Sunday, September 13th.   Their goal was to design an antenn that could be raised or lowered from the ground, in order to find that sweet spot where the noise floor was the lowest.  

We’re hoping to get an after action report to be added here in a few days, so please check back for more details about the results of this test.

The following photos were taken during the event by the well known local NVIS antenna consultant and guru, Bob W2IK, who was obviously present but not shown in the photos since he was on the other side of the camera. 

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Sep 13

The Atascosa County Amateur  Radio Club will start classes for the purpose of getting amateur license October 24, October 31, November 7, and November 14 from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM with lunch will be 12:00 PM until 1:00 PM.  The cost will be $18.95 for study material and $14.00 for the FCC license.  Bring a photo ID.   The classes will be in the old jail building, 711 Broadway St., Jourdanton.

This class is for the Technician Class license.  

For further information contact Hugo B. South at 830-281-2408

ACARC’s webpage is found at

Sep 12


Details on the new “W5BOG ECOM TEAM” and what emergency events it plans to support, either short or long term, and contact persons will be posted for possible activation of this team.

We operate as a small part of a greater TEAM.  We are NOT “waiters”.  We DO NOT SERVE anyone. 

We WORK WITH other agencies in the “team spirit” concept to support them by supplying emergency communications. We also work alongside other emcomm groups to help fill any gaps.  All team members have actual “hands on” emergency communications experience. No room for b.s. in our group. We get the job done because we know what we are doing.

Our ecom van (see above) comes fully loaded with both HF and VHF/UHF stations and can operate as a self-contained, stand alone emergency communications post anywhere we might be needed.

We also work with NAVY-MARINE CORPS MARS (Military Affiliate Radio System) system and support their needs in emergency communications.

Any person with a sincere interest in helping their community may join. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A LICENSED AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR to be a part of our team and help. On the job training!

Contact: if you wish to join.

We do not exclude anyone who is a member of any other emcomm group.  Keep tabs on our progress at:

Sep 11

This morning was the funeral for Liliane Bell, KC5AQP, and the bulk of the crowd was from the ham radio community.   As I walked down the road toward the site of the grave side services, it looked like an impromptu ham fest, with all the ham radio antennas sprouting from the cars, trucks and mini-vans.  Lots of vehicles with ham radio license plates as well.

During the service, we learned that Liliane Bell was  bornin Tonnay Charente, France on March 30, 1937.   She passed away due to long term illnesses caused by Cancer in San Antonio, Texas on Sunday, September 6, 2009.   Her Obit in the Express News can be viewed online here.

The rain let up briefly, but it was standing room only, and about half the crowd was left standing outside in the uncovered area, using their umbrellas. One ham showed up without his umbrella or raincoat, but fortunately for him, Shane NS5D had been thoughtful enough to bring a really big umbrella, large enough for him and the other guy to stand under.

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Sep 11

Today marks 8 years ago that the United States was attacked by terrorists. 8 years ago, today, amateur radio stepped up to the task of supporting the relief efforts during this most trying time. Below is the story of what one ham, who now resides in San Antonio, did to help his country.


Sep 6
To the HAM community,
We were just informed this morning by Gordon Dial, K5SUZ, that his dear companion Liliane Bell, KC5AQP passed at 2:02am CT, peacefully and in her own bed at home. 
Liliane is well known to the San Antonio HAM community being a long time volunteer with the Bike to the Beach and other amateur radio activities.  We have all been aware of her struggles with Cancer of late but it does not make her passing any easier for us.

Services for Liliane will be grave side at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetary on Friday, September 11th at 10am.   A group lunch afterward (on your own) will likely organized at the Posado Del Rey restaurant, located at 999 E. Basse Road (near Quarry Market) or another location to be determined.

Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetary
1520 Harry Wurzbach Road
San Antonio, TX 78209

 Cemetery is located in the northeast section of San Antonio. From International Airport, take NE Loop 410. Travel East to Harry Wurzbach Road and then south approximately four miles to the cemetery on your left.   

Gordon has requested NO FLOWERS BE SENT due to restrictions by the cemetary regarding placement of such items at the gravesite. 

Gordon also stated that he is NOT asking for anyone to make donations in Liliane’s name to a particular charity, to use your own judgement.    (Note: Perhaps if you still want to make a donation, making a donation to one of the Radio Clubs that Liliane belonged to might be appropriate?   SARO and AARO come to mind. – Lee N5NTG)

Our sympathies, condolences and prayers go out to Gordon and all of Liliane’s friends, loved ones and family.

Sep 5

MotorolaRadiusM1225Does anyone in the area have the ability to program a Motorola Radius M1225 – M43DGC90E2AA?

I am pretty sure it will program where I want it too! 

Please Reply to,

Thank You,

Louis Upton, K1STX


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