Apr 20

During the March 12-13th 2010 REACT International Annual Board Meeting, we tried something new and radical. 

Take a cheap webcam with built in microphone, extend the cables another 15′ so you can stick the camera off in the corner someplace, and now you have the next best thing to being that spider on the wall, not only listening in to the meeting, but watching it live as well.    

I used my CLEAR Wimax modem for part of the meeting, but changed over to the Drury Inn’s wi-fi because they had a slightly faster upload speed.  The 2 day annual board meeting was held in Irving Texas (DFW Airport area) at the Drury Inn.

Watch the meeting (recorded) at http://ustream.tv/reactsecretary for all 16 hours if you need help sleeping. 🙂 

These videos were recorded live, and have not been edited.

Mar 6

March 6th 2010

The Hill Country REACT Radio Team assisted with the Heart of the Hills Endurance Ride held at the 5400 acre Hill Country State Natural Area located outside of Bandera, Texas.  Team Members Gary Tangrady – K5GST, Al Fields – KE6LGE, Wade Martyn – WB5C and Team Leader Louis Upton – K1STX provided communications for the 25 and 50 mile events. 75 participants total were tracked at 4 checkpoints through the multiple loop course utilizing 2m simplex and the WD5FWP repeater located in Pipe Creek.

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Jan 27

By Vincent T. Davis – Express-News

“Ham radio operator Bob Hejl has responded to several disasters in the United States and overseas, yet he feels sidelined from helping Haitians who were devastated by the earthquake that struck there two weeks ago.

Hejl volunteered for deployment with the Amateur Radio Emergency Services in New York but wasn’t called this time. He’s resigned to listening to the scant radio signals being transmitted from Haiti as rescue operations there scale back.

Hejl is one of many ham operators across the nation who were willing to lend their equipment and expertise to aid the Jan. 12 earthquake victims. Red Cross training and hundreds of radio hours since the Alaska earthquake of 1964 have prepped him for short-notice calls to broadcast his call sign, W2IK, from the mobile equipment he keeps ready for emergency deployment.”

For the full article, including quotes from several other local ham radio operators, go to:



Jan 13

Reprinted from the CQ / WorldRadio Online Newsroom:

Some ham radio activity from Haiti is beginning to be heard, following yesterday’s devastating earthquake.

Father John Henault, HH6JH, in Port-au-Prince, made contact late Wednesday morning with the Intercontinental Assistance and Traffic Net (IATN) on 14.300 MHz, the IARU Global Centre of Activity frequency for emergency communications. Based on relays monitored at W2VU, Father John reported that he and those with him were safe, but had no power and no phone service. He was operating on battery power and hoping to get a generator running later in the day. He asked the station copying him, William Sturridge, KI4MMZ, in Flagler Beach, Florida, to telephone relatives with information that he was OK.

The following frequencies are in use for earthquake-related traffic and should be kept clear unless you are able to provide requested assistance:

  • 14300 (IATN),
  • 14265 (SATERN);
  • 7045 (IARU Region II) and
  • 3720 (IARU Region II) kHz.

Additional frequencies may be activated on different bands at different times of day, so be sure to listen carefully before transmitting to make sure you are not interfering with emergency traffic.

Dec 28

Just a reminder that the Bandera 100k Ultra Endurance Trail Run is coming up on the weekend of January 9th and 10th, 2010, out at the Hill Country State Natural Area.  Very poor cell phone coverage, but we’ve got a local 2 meter repeater that does fairly well, and we’ll be putting up a temporary Ham 440 repeater and UHF Commercial repeater.

We’ll be trying to communicate this  year between check points to net control using Packet as well as voice, trying to track runner numbers live as they pass thru a check point.   So far about 550 runners have signed up for this event, which includes a 25k, 50k and 100k (they do the 50k twice) trail run.  We aren’t talking running on paved streets, we’re talking cross country, over hill, over dale, round the tree, over the stump, thru the ravine; in other words, running thru stretches of trail  where even the horse patrol (yes, we’ll have them out there) and ATV Drivers can’t go.

Oh, and the weather?  What about it?  This event goes on no matter what the weather might be. It can be hot or cold, freezing, drizzling, raining, or sun shine, it won’t matter, the race goes on!  So come dressed / equipped to survive the weather, and just think of those poor chaps out there running after dark in their running shorts and LED headband lights.

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Dec 19

Every year, the Hill Country REACT Team has been helping out the with the Christmas Parade in Sattler, Texas, just east of Canyon Lake. We organize and run the two parade staging areas, mix the two together before they hit the parade route, and ensure that the announcer knows about any changes before they reach his or her location. We get the help of a couple neighboring ham clubs from as far away as 50-70 miles (GVARC, HC Hams).

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Dec 17

We’ve put together a collection of photos taken during the December 12, 2009 Christmas parade in Sattler. We’ve already posted one story about it on this blog a day or so ago, the press release that thanked “Hill Country REACT and their unnamed volunteers” (which we then named).   But now, here are some photos from this event, mostly taken toward the back end of the parade lineup area.

We’re working on putting together another one of our videos, this time from footage taken during the parade, but all video editing takes time and computer resources, both which are frequently in short supply and high demand.

Here are our photos…

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Dec 17

NWS_Logo_RoundOkay, the long wait is finally over!   We’ve compressed 24 hours of operation down to about 5 minutes, without using the fast forward button.  Amazing, but true!  Of course since we weren’t personally there the whole time to take photos and videos of every single operator, we weren’t able to include more than the three operators shown in the video (recorded live) plus a few others that had their photos taken and forwarded to us.

Most of the footage in the video was provided by Lee N5NTG, with some by Bob W2IK and Wade W5ERX.

Here is the YouTube link to this video…

Dec 16

We received an advance copy of the news release from the Canyon Lake Christmas Parade Committee about last weekend’s Christmas parade in Sattler (December 12th), written by Valerie Schroller of the Parade Committee.  She was the gal zipping around in that red golf cart taking care of everything and everybody who might have had their political toes stepped on for some reason during the parade. 

I got this from Valerie Schroller.  It went out to the Canyon Lake Views, the Hill Top Reporter, and the Herald-Zeitung.   She said I could forward it to anyone I choose, so I thought you might want to post something using it.  It says “unnamed volunteers”….here is the article and the rest of names of those “unnamed volunteers”.

– Wade Bolling W5ERX, President, Hill Country REACT Team.

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Nov 29

REACT_Drill_01_smAll year long, there are opportunities for you to use your Ham Radio skills in events other than contesting, or rag chewing (chatting mindlessly with other hams about nothing in particular).

Coming up in the next couple of months, the event schedule is a bit lighter than the rest of the year, primarily due to all the holidays, or is it?

Here is a list of known Ham Radio Christmas Parties and Events…

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