San Antonio HamsSan Antonio Area Hams Operator


Serving the Amateur Radio Community
in San Antonio and South Central Texas
since 2003

Training Opportunities

There are various types of training that a Ham Radio Operator needs to consider taking. Some are found on the air during weekly training net opportunities, some at in-person meetings such as ham club meetings, and others via on-line web classrooms. And of course, there is always the good ole "on the job" type training that leaves lots of room for errors to teach you the hard way.

Let the webmaster know if you find any dead links, as many of the following links are leaving our website, thus giving us no control over links going dead over time as the other sites are revised.

  • Net Operations
    • How to log into a Radio Net (routine v.s. emergency)
    • How be a Net Control Station
  • Public Service Events
  • Emergency Response
    • Reference Materials
    • NOAA Skywarn Skywarn
      • NWS Basic Spotters' Field Guide
      • NWS Skywarn Training A partnership between the National Weather Service (NWS) and the community, designed to help reduce the threat from severe weather. The key element of this partnership is a network of volunteer non-NWS personnel ("storm spotters") who relay reports of severe weather to the NWS.  Even with today's new technology at our disposal, only one instrument can detect severe weather phenomena directly with absolute certainty, the human eye.  A large network of spotters can be a great benefit to the NWS warning program.
      FEMA On-line Training Courses FEMA Logo(soon to be required for all disaster response volunteers)
      • FEMA IS-100 Course Introduction to the Incident Command System, introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
      • FEMA IS-700 Course This course introduces NIMS and takes approximately three hours to complete. It explains the purpose, principles, key components and benefits of NIMS. The course also contains "Planning Activity" screens giving you an opportunity to complete some planning tasks during this course. The planning activity screens are printable so that you can use them after you complete the course.

      ARRL's AREC E-Comm Courses On-line (fee applies)

      • ARRL Level 1 ARECC Introduction to Amateur Radio Emergency Communications. A basic course toraise awareness and provide additional knowledge and tools for any emergency communications volunteer. This course has 23 lesson units, is expected to take approximately 25 hours to complete over an 8-week period, and earns 1.5 CEUs. See course Syllabus. Required Student Activities.
      • ARRL Level 2 ARECC Intermediate Amateur Radio Emergency Communications. A more in-depth study into amateur radio emergency communications to enhance the skills and knowledge received from previous experience. Level I ARECC is required prior to taking Level II. This course has 20 lesson units, is expected to take approximately 25 hours to complete over an 8-week period, and earns 1.5 CEUs. See course Syllabus. Required Student Activities.
      • ARRL Level 3 ARECC Advanced Amateur Radio Emergency Communications. This is the third and final stage of the 3-level ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Courses. This is a course for those in leadership or aspiring to leadership positions. Revision 2 is a significant rewrite that brings the course current with the post-9/11/01 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) paradigm. This course has 23 learning units, is expected to take approximately 25 hours to complete over a 12-week period, and earns 1.5 CEUs. See course Syllabus. Required Student Activities.

We'll be expandiong this section more as we have more time to attend to it. In the meantime, feel free to send any inquiries to the webmaster via email or by phone 210-771-7075.

Astute Ham Quote...

"It's not the class of license that the Amateur holds... It's the class of the Amateur who holds the license that matters." .. unknown author

NS5D ShaneAstute Ham Quote...

"The best advice I can think of is to relax, listen and observe. You won't be asked to go it alone your first time out. Our mission as emergency communicators is to accurately pass messages back and forth between the agencies that rely on us.

That's it!

If a message comes in for someone at the served agency you are assigned to, your job is to copy it as faithfully as you can, without interpretation or paraphrasing, and deliver it to the intended recipient.

If your served agency needs to send a message, your job is to write down that message, including who it is from and who and where it is going, then let the net control know that you have "traffic" waiting and who it is for. The net control may take the message from you for later delivery, or may ask you to hold it until messages of higher priority have been passed, or may direct you to "call your station" directly and pass the message. The net control is in charge of the net, so listen carefully to his or her instructions and ask for clarification of any instructions you do not understand.

This is a bit over-simplified, but the rest of the details, like precedences, formats and procedures will fall into place with time, training and practice. If you keep the mission in mind, you'll do just fine!"

de Shane NS5D in a message to a new ARES member, published on the Bexar County ARES Yahoo Group, August 25, 2006. In photo above, Shane operates his radio at the American Red Cross EOC during the area's relief efforts for Hurricane Rita in September 2005.

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