Page Last Updated 07/25/2019
AARO | Atascosa County ARC | Bexar ARES | Coleta Creek| Corpus Christi ARC | Driscoll Childrens Hospital VDST | GVARC| Hayes County ARC | Hill Country REACT Kendall ARS | Laredo Hams | MCARC | QCWA | ROOST | SAEM | SAHARA | SARC | SARO SADRC | STDXCC | STX ARC | STXYHC | STXSRC | Victoria ARC
We now have 24 Groups Listed! More Coming! We've been asked by ham clubs in surrounding counties as far away as the Gulf Coast to be included in our index of Area Clubs. We're happy to add any legitimate ham club when an officer of the club requests to have their club added. We prefer to have a web link for more info, a copy of their club logo if possible, and some basic information about the club, when and where they meet, purpose, etc. San Antonio Hams simply provides the info here as a convenience. Should any club/group object to this link being present on the SA Hams web site, please advise the webmaster immediately for removal from this page. This is a free service by this web site. Your comments and suggestions are welcomed. Please feel free to contact the Webmaster at or call 210-771-7075 and leave a message. |
Atascosa County Area Radio Club (Pleasanton)The club members of ACARC are committed to helping their community with special events, emergency preparedness and communications in the case of disaster. Their Club Call is WA5AR and their club website is The club usually meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Just to let it be known, we will meet and eat at 6:30 p.m. The meeting place is the Stage Stop Restaurant on 1921 west Oaklawn, Pleasanton, Texas. Click here for map. ACARC offers VE Testing in Pleasanton, TX, click here for info. Starting in 2009, this club also started offering ham classes, usually spread over 4 consecutive Saturdays. They've continued this practice in 2010 with General Class upgrade classes and other levels.
Bexar County ARES (San Antonio)
Bexar County ARES draws support and volunteers from local amateur radio clubs. This group meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month, at 6:45pm. Location alternates between the San Antonio EOC on Odd Months (March, May, July, September, November) and the San Antonio American Red Cross HQ in Even Months (April, June, August, October, December). Their weekly radio net is now on Tuesday nights at 8:30pm, using the 147.18 repeater (103.5 PL tone). Bexar County ARES is strictly involved with emergency and disaster communications, and does not provide amateur radio communications support for public service events such as parades, marathons or other not-for-profit events. Requests of this nature should be directed to the local amateur radio clubs. ARES is part of the field service organization of the ARRL. The ARRL is a member of National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) and is an affiliate organization of Citizen Corps. |
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club (Yorktown)
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club was formed in 2003 by a group of enthusiastic amateur radio operators from DeWitt and Victoria County. We had a vision to create a club that would be fun for its members as well as serve the community in times of need. Its members are not just storm spotters for the national weather service, but they also provide communications for such events as Texas Water Safari, Yorktown Western Days and other similar types of events. We currently meet on the first Thursday of each month at the First United Methodist Church located at 222 North Riedel in Yorktown. A covered dish meal is served at 7PM and the meeting begins at 7:30pm.Visit their club website at |
Corpus Christi Amateur Radio Club (Corpus Christi)
As of June 2008, CCARC has 52 members, meets the first Thursday of each month in the 4th floor conference room of Dirscoll Children's Hospital -- 3533 A. Alameda St. Corpus Christi, TX.. Everyone is welcomed member or not. Presentations are provided in a wide area of interest to all. Come See US! Club contact: AD5TD-Bill Albert Email and W5LSS-Linda Shell Email Visit their Yahoo Group at: or visit their website at |
Guadalupe Valley Amateur Radio Club (New Braunfels)Returning to life after more than 20 years of sleeping peacefully in the New Braunfels area. This ham club operates on the New Braunfels 147.00 repeater (-, 103.5 tone). We meet for breakfast Saturday mornings from 7:30-9:00 at Granzin BBQ, located at 660 W. San Antonio St. Please come join us. The club is now offering Ham Radio Testing on a quarterly basis, and some special needs basis as well. They have started working with the New Braunfels CERT program to help cultivate more ham radio operators and teach their members some basic radio operation skills. This club is really starting to grow and become way more active..Our club call is WB5LVI and our web site is found at club participates in quite a few DX Contests and organizes the communications for the annual Tour de Gruene bicycle ride / race held around the first weekend of November. They also provide the official repeater for use by the BikeMS Valero Alamo Ride to the River event in October. |
Hays Caldwell Amateur Radio Club (San Marcos) KE5LOTHays Caldwell Amateur Radio Club serves radio amateurs in Hays and Caldwell Counties. We enjoy having fun withamateur radio, and it shows! HC ARC members enjoy a wide variety of facets of amateur radio, including VHF and UHF FM and repeaters, HF Single Sideband, mobile operation, RTTY, PSK31, CW, and QRP. We are an ARRL affiliated Club. Website: We also communicate about our activities on our yahoo group, hchams. Meetings: We meet on the third Saturday of each month. Our meeting location and time alternate between the training room at Central Texas Medical Center in San Marcos (at 9:00 AM during even months), and breakfast meetings at the Cracker Barrel in Buda (at 8:30 AM during odd months). ARES: HC ARC sponsors an ARES group; Hays County ARES. The Hays County EC is Jake Creamer, K5GWC. The weekly ARES net occurs on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 PM, on the 444.15 (WA5PAX) repeater (this repeater requires a 114.8 PL tone). The repeater is northwest of Wimberley (near Mount Sharp), and has excellent coverage of our service area. Membership in HC ARC is not required to participate in Hays County ARES. Events: HC ARC participates in public service events, such as The American Diabetes Association 'Tour de Cure', and Amateur Radio activities, such as the Texas QSO Party and ARRL Field Day. |
Kendall Amateur Radio Society (KARS) (Boerne, TX)
KARS also offers testing immediately following each meeting (pre-arrangement preferable). The club owns and maintains two VHF repeaters (146.64- & 145.19- both PL 88.5) and operates an emergency practice Net every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm on the 146.64 machine. Contact and other Information can be found at |
Quarter Century Wireless Association, Chapter 38 - San Antonio, TX
If you have held your Amateur License for at least twenty-five (25) years, you are eligible to become a member of the Quarter Century Wireless Association. Visit for info about the national group. For more information contact the club's officers: Bill Minton AA5HI, Clay Laster W5ZPV or Jim Wright, K5CDT. |
San Antonio Digital Radio Club
SADRC is a Yaesu Fusion Repeater network located in San Antonio but with link repeaters in Austin, Fort Worth, and Boerne. As of January 2020, they have 65 members and 214 Facebook connections following our group. We are fairly new and one of the main digital repeater groups in the area with range over 300 miles. Our Repeaters are as follows: Website: |
South Texas Amateur Radio Club (Corpus Christi)
The South Texas Amateur Radio Club is a Texas Incorporated non-profit organization created to render public service during impending storms or severe weather, and to assist in disaster relief operations and other community functions; and to promote amateur radio and good radio operating procedure and the exchange of technical information and assistance in respect thereto. The South Texas Amateur Radio Club is also affiliated with the ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio. Our club has been designated as a Special Service Club. Club Web site was found here plus they also have a Yahoo Groups Web Site This group is our primary contact during coastal emergencies / evacuations as their members man the Corpus Christi EOC as Nueces County ARES. Their Stated Club Mission To render a public service during impending storms or severe weather, and to assist in disaster relief operations and other community functions; and To promote amateur radio and good operating procedures and the exchange of technical information and assistance in respect thereto. |
South Texas Scouting Radio Club
The STSRC is a club whose purpose is to promote amateur radio among the scouts of South Texas. They are a motivated group of amateur radio operators (Ham operators) who provide opportunities for scouts to further their knowledge in areas of radio communications and goodwill. Their club web site is found at and club callsign is KX5BSA. STSRC's main yearly function is to operate in the Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) which is a worldwide annual event that is held each October. This event has been on going for over 50 years now and attracts more the 400,000 people from all around the world to take part in this weekend of radio activity. They also are a resource for scout leaders who are interested in particpating in a radio scouting event (JOTA, summer camp, weekend camps) and need help finding information and radio operators that are interested in helping scouts with this type of event. The STSRC website offers information regarding the radio merit badge, other radio-related scouting awards and the opportunity to use the KX5BSA call sign for scouting events. If you have any questions, please feel free to email the webmaster. |
Victoria Amateur Radio Club (Victoria)
The Victoria Amateur Radio Club meets on the third Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm at Citizens Medical Center in Victoria. Exam testing is held on request, as required. The Victoria Amateur Radio Club (VARC) consists of 30 or more licensed Amateur Radio Operators and their spouses. The club promotes education, community service and fellowship among the Amateur Radio Community. VARC holds its regular monthly meetings on the third Thursday of the month at the Citizens Medical Center. The meeting starts around 7:30 p.m.. A short business meeting is sometimes followed by a presentation on some topic of interest to the Amateur Radio community. Some of the past programs have been on Amateur Radio Satellites, Storm Chasing, Contesting, Antenna Design, QRZ, Balloon Missions, etc.. Visit their web site at |
AARO | Atascosa County ARC | Bexar ARES |
Coleta Creek| Corpus Christi ARC | Driscoll Childrens Hospital VDST | GVARC| Hayes County ARC | Hill Country REACT Kendall ARS | Laredo Hams | MCARC | QCWA | ROOST | SAEM | SAHARA | SARC | SARO SADRC | STDXCC | STX ARC | STXYHC | STXSRC | Victoria ARC |
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