San Antonio HamsSan Antonio Area Hams Operator


Serving the Amateur Radio Community
in San Antonio and South Central Texas
since 2003

Area Radio Nets

EMERGENCY NETS OPERATING for Tropical Storms / Hurricanes

Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) typically run emergency nets when the gulf coast (or other areas) are threatened by tropical weather on a twenty-four hour basis for the duration of a declared emergency period. Nets are generally operated on 3.873mHz (night time) and 7.285mHz (daytime). Net control operators may be located within Texas or elsewhere as band conditions warrant.

These type of Nets are normally restricted to emergency traffic only. This generally includes operators from affected Emergency Operation Centers (EOC), ARES officials, folks affected directly by the weather needing to report conditions when requested, or emergency traffic at any time. All other operators are requested to refrain from transmitting plus/minus 3khz from above frequencies.

Always listen to net control and follow directions not to transmit unless you have a legitimate reason to do so. From time to time, you may hear a request for more volunteer net controllers to work a two-hour shift. When such announcements are made and you feel comfortable in handling such a net on HF, feel free to provide your callsign and other info as may be requested. Remember that this is an HF net, and as such, you may not always hear both sides of a conversation. Sometimes the Net Control will ask for a relay of a faint or distantly heard station and someone else will jump in, identify, and relay the traffic for them.

Net Operational Guidelines - Local (VHF/UHF/220)

Following are some simple Do's and Don'ts regarding operation during a controlled (or closed) net situation, such as during a bike-a-thon, run-a-thon, or emergency situation These are general, common sense items that all operators should know and follow, without having to think much about it. Practice makes perfect, so sign up for the public service events as a volunteer and be ready to help out if another hurricane brings more unscheduled visitors to our fair city.

  • Listen to Net Control and follow their instructions regarding checking in (i.e. using ITU Phonetics for your call sign the first time, etc.).
  • Listen to your radio to monitor other operators so that you will be ready if asked for status reports from your location (i.e. if other locations are being asked about their level of supplies, check your own levels but don't report until asked).
  • Use your tactical callsign to request the attention of net control. For example, "Net Control, this is Breakpoint One".
  • Listen for an acknowledgement from net control before beginning transmission of your traffic.
  • Keep your transmission brief and to the point.
  • Break in with emergency or priority traffic if the situation warrants it.
  • Give your FCC amateur callsign at the end of your transmission.


  • Offer up any information that is not asked for, such as weather reports or number of riders passing your location.
  • Transmit your traffic without waiting for
    acknowledgement from net control. For example: "Net Control, this is Breakpoint One. We need water and we are running out of ice, and we called for a SAG 30 minutes ago and they still haven't shown up!"
  • Leave the net or turn down the radio without
    advising net control that you will be away.
  • Call another station directly without first clearing
    it with net control.
  • Lose your cool. Be prepared to repeat your message if requested by net control.
  • Secure (shut down) or leave your assigned location / site without approval of net control.
  • Forget to key up, pause briefly and speak clearly and distinctly so that the message is clearly understood despite any interference or noise.

What is a Radio Net?

Many of the area ham clubs run regularly schedule "nets" on one of the repeaters or specified HF frequency, always on the same time of day and day of week. Some run daily, others run weekly. Some folks simply get together and have an informal net that is not affiliated with any organization at all! If you know of a local net not listed below, one that is open to the public (i.e. not restricted) feel free to contact us using

THESE LISTS ARE OUT DATED. SORRY. We'll be working with some other hams to build an updated list to share with you soon.

VHF / UHF Local Radio Nets - Voice
Date / Time Frequency / PL Tone Sponsor / Callsign Notes / Comments
Daily @ 6:30pm

147.14 + Repeater (179.9 tone)
(Canyon Lake)

Central Texas Traffic Net

NTS Traffic Net. Net meets each night for the purpose of collecting and passing traffic as part of the National Traffic System (NTS) . This is a directed net open to all interested Amateurs with or without traffic to be passed.

Traffic Handling:

A. Traffic handling is relaying messages from the place of origination to its destination where it is received by or delivered to the addressee.

B. NTS refers to the National Traffic System - an efficiently organized system for moving messages to their destinations. It includes:

  1. A standard message format for ease and accuracy in relaying.
  2. Scheduled nets meet on designated frequencies at specified times to relay messages.

C. Net protocol or procedures vary between nets but all include:

  1. A net control station (NCS)- person who directs all net activity
  2. A preamble that includes the name and purpose of the net, the net control’s call and sometimes the name and location.
  3. A designated time for representatives to/from other nets to check in.
  4. A designated time for bulletins or announcements of general interest.
  5. A designated time for stations to check in (order may vary - listen to NCS).

Sunday @ 8:30pm 146.94 - Repeater (179.9 tone) Quarter Century Wireless Club Net. Net meets weekly for those Amateurs interested in the activities of QCWA local chapter. This is a directed net open to all interested Amateurs.
Monday @ 7:30pm

146.76 -
No tone

Chaparral (Seguin) Info Net. This is a directed net open to all interested Amateurs.It is believed to also do double duty as a local ARES net. Most participants from Guadalupe County / Seguin area.
Monday @ 8:30pm

147.38 + and
443.875 + linked Repeater
(162.2 tone)

Alamo Area Radio Organization AA5RO


Info Net. Club plays back recording of the Amateur Radio Newsline, followed by general check-ins by club officers and members, plus any visitors.This is a directed net open to all interested Amateurs. This net generally lasts about 50-60 minutes, including the 20-30 minute AR Newsline recording.

CW Code Practice may occur following this net.

Tuesday @ 7:00pm

146.64 -
(88.5 tone)

Kendall Amateur Radio Society (KARS) Info Net. This is a directed net open to all interested Amateurs. They traditional pass control from operator to operator down the list in the order of initial check-in to allow comments to be made in the manner, and to get operators used to be net control.
Tuesday @ 8:00pm

443.400 +
(100 tone)


Info / EchoLink Net. Net is open to all licensed Amateurs and is bilingual. EchoLink node is KD5GAT-L, linked to other Texas and Mexico amateur repeaters.
Tuesday @ 8:30pm 147.18 + Repeater (103.5 tone) San Antonio Emergency Management Communications K5EOC AntennaEmergency Communications Training Net. Net meets weekly as a training net for those Amateurs involved with the San Antonio Emergency Managment Communications organization. This is a directed net open to all interested Amateurs.
Wednesday @ 8:30pm

146.94 - Repeater
(179.9 tone)

San Antonio Repeater Organization WA5UNH

Info Net. Club reads current ARRL Electronic Newsletter following general check-ins by club officers and members, plus any visitors.This is a directed net open to all interested Amateurs. This net generally lasts about 30-40 minutes. Special note of interest, the net control usually asks for check-ins by club officers for other clubs, other than SARO. This is the best time to reach an officer from this club.
Thursday @ 8pm

146.86 + Repeater
(123 tone)

Radio Operators of South Texas W5ROS

Info Net . This is a directed net open to all interested Amateurs. R.O.O.S.T. members rotate net control duties.  This net generally lasts about 20-40 minutes, depending on how much participants have to report.

Saturday@ 10:30pm

147.38 + Repeater
443.875 + Repeater
(162.2 tone)

Alamo Area Radio Organization AA5RO

Night Owl Net. This is a directed net open to all interested Amateurs. Topics range widely and wildly in nature, but participants are encouraged to list any items for sale or trade, or want lists to the net. This net generally lasts about 90 minutes or less, depending on the crowd.

CW Code Practice 30 minutes prior to this net.

Most nights @ 10:30pm

147.38 + and
443.875 + linked Repeater
(162.2 tone)

Alamo Area Radio Organization AA5RO

Cheap Entertainment Net. This is a directed net open to all interested Amateurs. Topics range widely and wildly in nature, but participants are encouraged to list any items for sale or trade, or want lists to the net. This net generally lasts about 90 minutes or less, depending on the crowd. Content similar to the "Night Owl Net" held on Saturdays by the same club.
As Needed 146.94 - Repeater (179.9 tone)

San Antonio Radio Club W5SC and

San Antonio Repeater Organization WA5UNH

Skywarn Net. This net is only called when activated by the National Weather Service.This is a directed net open to all interested Amateurs. Please listen and follow Net Control's directions as they may be dealing with emergency situations and requesting specific types of rainfall or weather data. If they ask for anyone with severe weather in their area, and you have only light rain, please do not check in to report such.
220 Mhz Local Radio Nets
Date / Time Frequency Sponsor / Callsign Notes / Comments
Tuesday @ 8:30pm 224.380 (-) with no PL Ken, K5KEG or Marty, KB5MJC 220 Info Net
Antenna There is no particular ham club affiliation or sponsor, just a bunch of radio operators who enjoy talking on 220 mhz.
6 Meter Local Radio Nets
Date / Time Frequency Sponsor / Callsign Notes / Comments
Monday @ 8:00pm 52.525 mHz FM - Voice Marty, KB5MJC Southwest Texas 6 Meter Net.
Net control recommends using vertical polarization, although some operators have been known to flip over to horizontal while on the net. (Does that mean they are laying down?) There is no particular ham club affiliation or sponsor, just a bunch of radio operators who enjoy talking on 6 meters.
Thursday @ 6:30pm 50.130 mHz USB Voice Greg Lewis , N5XO Antenna6 Meter Net,
This is just a net used by the Unusual Suspects {voice}, we just have conversation there on Thursdays scheduled and any other time similar to our activity on 2 meters. The goal is to use 6 meters and have activity there so in the even the band opens, we can make some contacts. But it is just normal conversation round table, no strict net rules or such. Open to anyone on the planet earth,
10 Meter Local Radio Nets
Date / Time Frequency Sponsor / Callsign Notes / Comments
Thursday @ 7:00pm 28.120 MHz Bob, K5AUW AntennaPSK31 Net
Practice using PSK31 on 10 meters, setting up local point to point communications.

Coax bar

Emergency HF Traffic Nets

HamWith the advent of Hurricane Katrina and Rita visiting next door during 2005, these HF nets have become very active and very important to the disaster response efforts of this nation. Below is a list of known nets on 80, 40 and 20 meters. Some frequencies are used only in daytime and others at night. Some are used 24/7.

Be sure to listen to nets first, follow net control's instructions, and don't transmit unless you really have something they need to know, or you can handle a piece of traffic that they need to pass into your area. They don't need folks "just checking in for the count", a common practice on the local VHF 2-meter traffic nets. Please be courteous by not operating nearby the nets, frequency wise, or operator wise, to avoid bleed-over or other interference.

Emergency nets are serious business, and only the "professional" amateur need apply.

Note: These frequencies are subject to change in both purpose and frequency. Don't bother to "check-in" unless you have serious information being requested to be passed. Texas nets are highlighted with BOLD below, but these nets cover the entire area affected by Hurricanes.

01984.0  LSB  Virgin Islands (VI, Puerto Rico, Lesser Antilles)
03710.0  LSB  Puerto Rico
03808.0  LSB  Caribbean Wx (1030)
03815.0  LSB  Antigua/Antilles
Emergency and Weather
03815.0  LSB  Inter-island (continuous watch)
03818.0  LSB  Antigua/Antilles
03845.0  LSB  Gulf Coast West Hurricane
03862.5  LSB  Mississippi Section Traffic
03865.0  LSB  West Virginia Emergency
03872.5  LSB  Mercury Amateur Radio Assoc ad hoc hurricane info net (0100)
03873.0  LSB  West Gulf ARES Emergency (night)
03873.0  LSB  Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03873.0  LSB  Louisiana ARES Emergency (night)
03873.0  LSB  Mississippi ARES Emergency
03905.0  LSB  Pacific ARES (Hawaii)
03905.0  LSB  Delaware Emergency
03907.0  LSB  Carolina Coast Emergency
03910.0  LSB  Central Texas Emergency
03910.0  LSB  Mississippi ARES
03910.0  LSB  Louisiana Traffic
03910.0  LSB  Virginia Emergency, Alpha (ARES/RACES)
03913.0  LSB  New York State Emergency
03915.0  LSB  South Carolina SSB NTS
03915.0  LSB  Massachusetts/Rhode Island Emergency
03917.0  LSB  Eastern Pennsylvania Emergency
03920.0  LSB  Maryland Emergency
03923.0  LSB  Mississippi ARES
03923.0  LSB  North Carolina ARES Emergency (Tarheel)
03925.0  LSB  Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03925.0  LSB  New York State Emergency
03925.0  LSB  Louisiana Emergency (altn)
03927.0  LSB  North Carolina ARES (health & welfare)
03925.0  LSB  Southwest Traffic (altn)
03935.0  LSB  Belize
03935.0  LSB  Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
03935.0  LSB  Louisiana ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0  LSB Texas ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0  LSB Mississippi ARES (health & welfare)
03935.0  LSB Alabama Emergency
03937.0  LSB Western Massachusetts ARES
03940.0  LSB Southern Florida Emergency
03944.0  LSB West Gulf Emergency
03947.0  LSB Virginia Emergency, Bravo (health & welfare)
03950.0  LSB Hurricane Watch (Amateur-to-National Hurricane Center) (altn)
03950.0  LSB Northern Florida Emergency
03955.0  LSB South Texas Emergency
03960.0  LSB North East Coast Hurricane
03965.0  LSB Alabama Emergency (altn)
03965.0  LSB Connecticut Emergency
03967.0  LSB Gulf Coast (outgoing traffic)
03970.0  LSB New Jersey ARES
03975.0  LSB Georgia ARES
03975.0  LSB Texas RACES (altn)
03980.0  LSB Southeast Virginia ARES
03987.5  LSB Mexican National
03990.5  LSB New Jersey RACES
03993.5  LSB New York State RACES
03993.5  LSB Gulf Coast (health & welfare)
03993.5  LSB Kentucky ARES/RACES
03993.5  LSB South Carolina ARES/RACES Emergency
03995.0  LSB Gulf Coast Wx
03995.0  LSB Western New York State Coordination
07055.0  LSB El Grupo Seguimiento de Huracanes (Spanish)
07060.0  LSB Mexican (emergency and health & welfare) (Spanish)
07070.0  LSB Manana (Baja California)
07090.0  LSB Central America Emergency
07110.0  LSB Cuba Emergency (day)
07145.0  LSB Bermuda
07165.0  LSB Antigua/Antilles Emergency and Weather
07165.0  LSB Inter-island 40-meter (continuous watch)
07225.0  LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07228.0  LSB Kentucky ARES/RACES
07230.0  LSB New York State Emergency
07230.0  LSB Southwest Traffic
07232.0  LSB North Carolina ARES Emergency (Tarheel) (altn)
07235.0  LSB Louisiana Emergency
07235.0  LSB Baja California
07235.0  LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07235.0  LSB West Virginia
07235.0  LSB Louisiana Emergency
07240.0  LSB American Red Cross US Gulf Coast Disaster
07240.0  LSB Texas Emergency
07240.0  LSB Virginia Emergency, Bravo (health & welfare)(altn)
07242.0  LSB Southern Florida ARES Emergency (altn)
07243.0  LSB Alabama Emergency
07243.0  LSB South Carolina Emergency
07245.0  LSB Southern Louisiana
07245.0  LSB New York State RACES
07247.5  LSB Northern Florida ARES Emergency (altn)
07248.0  LSB Texas RACES (pri)
07250.0  LSB Belize
07250.0  LSB Texas Emergency
07254.0  LSB Northern Florida Emergency
07260.0  LSB Gulf Coast West Hurricane
07260.0  LSB Virginia Emergency, Alpha (ARES/RACES) (altn)
07264.0  LSB Gulf Coast (health & welfare)
07265.0  LSB Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio (SATERN) (altn)
07268.0  LSB Bermuda
07268.0  LSB Waterway
07273.0  LSB Texas ARES (altn)
07275.0  LSB Georgia ARES
07280.0  LSB NTS Region 5
07280.0  LSB Louisiana Emergency (altn)
07283.0  LSB Gulf Coast (outgoing only)
07285.0  LSB West Gulf ARES Emergency (day)
07285.0  LSB Louisiana ARES Emergency (day)
07285.0  LSB Mississippi ARES Emergency
07285.0  LSB Texas ARES Emergency (day)
07290.0  LSB Central Gulf Coast Hurricane
07290.0  LSB Gulf Coast Wx
07290.0  LSB Texas ARES (health & welfare)
07290.0  LSB Louisiana ARES (health & welfare) (day)
07290.0  LSB Texas ARES(health & welfare)
07290.0  LSB Mississippi ARES(health & welfare)
07290.0  LSB Hawaii Emergency
07290.0  LSB Traffic
14185.0  USB Caribbean Emergency
14200.0  USB (Please advise)
14215.0  USB Pacific Inter-island
14222.0  USB Health & Welfare
14245.0  USB Health & Welfare
14265.0  USB Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio (SATERN) (health & welfare)
14268.0  USB Amateur Radio Readiness Group
14275.0  USB Bermuda
14275.0  USB International Amateur Radio
14283.0  USB Caribus (health & welfare)
14300.0  USB Intercontinental Traffic
14300.0  USB Maritime Mobile Service
14303.0  USB International Assistance & Traffic
14313.0  USB Intercontinental Traffic (altn)
14313.0  USB Maritime Mobile Service (altn)
14316.0  USB Health & Welfare
14320.0  USB Health & Welfare
14325.0  USB Hurricane Watch(Amateur-to-National Hurricane Center)
14340.0  USB Louisiana (1900)
14340.0  USB Manana(1900)
14340.0  USB  California-Hawaii
21310.0  USB  Health & Welfare (Spanish)
21390.0  USB  Inter-Americas (health & welfare)
21400.0  USB  Transatlantic Maritime
28410.0  USB  New Jersey ARES
28450.0  USB  Health & Welfare (Spanish)


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