This is the model of the balloon we will be flying
On February 26th (2200Z) until February 28th (2200Z) The Bexar Operators Group, W5BOG, will be operating from the Choke Canyon State Park, located in Calliham just west of Three Rivers, Texas, in the sheltered (cabin) area.
We will be testing a balloon launched vertical antenna about 126 feet high. It will be stabilized by four guy-cords. A special based-loaded antenna balun (4:1) has been obtained for easier antenna matching. The ground radial system will have at least 4 full sized wires with possibly more.
We will also make a determination, based upon weather conditions and the number of people assisting, to use this vertical just for transmit and use a “beverage antenna” for receive and/or increase the vertical antenna height to 252 feet so we can better compete during this “top band” event.
Two, 9 foot meteorological balloons have been purchased for this experiment, just in case we screw up with the first “flight”. Helium tanks will be purchased close to the flight-date. Pictures of the step-by-step antenna setup and station operation will be taken for article submission in either “QST” or “CQ” magazine.
If any local ham wishes to join us, please write to: W2IK@ARRL.NET asap so we can give you more information as the contest date nears and can make arrangements for added experimentation based upon additional help at the site.
We will be reserving one cabin (and supplying heat, food and drink). The cabin can sleep about 6-8 people and 4 slots are already taken so it’s a “first come – first served” event.
December 27th, 2009 at 8:08 PM
I hope you aren’t so high that you have to wear clothes like that shown in the photo next to the balloon! That looks cold! Brrr!
December 28th, 2009 at 7:23 PM
Wish I was in San Antonio
Happy Holidays!