Later this month on August 29th, the combined talents of Navy-Marine Corps MARS, REACT, National Weather Service, Bexar Operators Group and others will work together during a hurricane drill. Information will be passed using both MARS EEI and standard text messaging when a “hurricane” landfalls on an area just north of Corpus Christi. We will also have coastal hospitals and Skywarn personnel working the event.  The drill is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, August 29th.

This will be a test of various MOUs and our ability to communicate with each other in case a real weather event should erupt.

This is NOT just some “table top” drill, as stations will actually deploy along the coast and along evacuation routes from both Houston and Corpus Christi. In addition, there will also be stations up and running at two National Weather Service offices (New Braunfels & Corpus Christi).  And now it looks like “someone invited” Tropical Storm Bill to come help make our drill be a bit more realistic. 🙂

There has been set a specific protocol for MARS stations communicating with ham only emergency nets.    All traffic sent will be filtered through appropriate channels so they will end up at three email addresses which will simulate FEMA, DHS and State agencies. 

Interested groups wishing to join us should email: NNN0GBY2@NavyMARS.ORG

Below are a few pix of previous hurricane drills when MARS stations were deployed:


One Response

  1. San Antonio Hams » Blog Archive » MARS – REACT Drill – Update 08/29 Says:

    […] In a recent posting by W2IK, the upcoming drill on Saturday, August 29th, was discussed in rather general terms.   Since that time, we’ve increased the scope of this event somewhat.    We’ve added one ARES group (Hayes / Caldwell County) to the mix, and have room for more if other groups want to  participate. […]

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