Dec 4

Jeff N5MNW

The Dec 2nd AARC Christmas Party was a real treat for the 80 plus attendees.  Great food, friends, family, new faces… More details in this week’s SwapNet newsletter. Now, for the important announcement every stakeholder wants to know,”Who the heck won the IC-7000???”

Thanks to all who bought the 220 tickets, the REAL winner of AARC’s IC-7000 raffle is K6RV Don Schliesser from Cedar Park, TX.
Jeff Schmidt N5MNW

Dec 4

Basic talks are underway to help our “Wounded Warriors” find a new path within the military, unencumbered by their physical restraints. Bob Hejl, W2IK – NNN0KSI (MARS Ecom), who works at CFI (Center For The Intrepid) at BAMC/ Ft. Sam, has begun discussions with officials at BAMC and CFI for ways in which our soldiers can redirect their abilities by using amateur radio as a stepping stone with their next goal being communications careers within the armed forces or in the private sector after their military careers are completed.

Bob W2IK with his portable emcom radio setupPlanned are a special events/demo station so soldiers can see the possibilities of communications and the vital roles they can assume during an emergency or in everyday military communications work. Tri- Service MARS operations will also be integrated so they can get an actual “taste” of  military communications in a relaxed atmosphere.

An amateur radio course will be offered with actual “hands on” operation using W2IK’s portable MARS Ecom station. After the classes have been completed, there will be on base testing so many can obtain their amateur radio licenses.

If any local ham or group is interested in this project, please write W2IK at

Dec 4

In case you have not heard, the 2008 Bike MS: Valero Bike to the Beach Awards and Volunteer Appreciation Party is Thursday, December 4, 2008.

Here are the details:
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