May 8

May 7, 2008 – TSA Agents Become Ham Operators

Bob W2IKA seven member VE Team lead by Pat AD5BR on behalf of San Antonio Radio Club, gave tests to 16 TSA agents and two other hams who wanted to try and upgrade. The test session was held during the week on a Wednesday morning, which created a challenge for Pat to find enough VE’s willing to take off work to handle this session.

TSA agents from all over the USA were flown in for a week’s worth of training, including studying for their ham radio license. 15 of the 16 passed their tech test, 1 tried twice but missed by 1 or 2 each time. One local ham upgraded to General while another tried for Extra without any luck.

After the test session was completed at the San Antonio International Aiport in the SA Airport Police’s training room, the participants got some hands-on work with stringing dipole antennas and other on-the-air practice.

Click here for more photos from this event.
