Apr 20

April 20, 2008 – Wildflower 100 Bicycle Tour

About a dozen hams helped support the annual Wildflower 100 Bicycle Tour, which operated from Retama Race Track on the NE side of San Antonio, and runs multiple courses thru Bexar, Comal and Guadalupe counties. We’ve been promised an article about this event, but in the meantime, here are some photos taken by the webmaster. Click on photo for a larger view.

Barry W5BLH working Net ControlBarry W5BLH

Net Control for the Wildflower 100Net Control

Apr 14

April 12-13, 2008 – BP150 Bicycle Tour (13, 000 riders from Houston to Austin)

About a 150+ hams helped support the annual BP150 Bicycle Tour, from Houston to La Grange on Day 1, La Grange to Austin on Day 2. 3 calls for life flight to pick up riders with serious problems, plus a few transported by ambulance on Day 1. No major medical calls on day 2. We’re working onan article about this event, but in the meantime, here are some photos taken by the webmaster. Click on photo for a larger view. We’ll put to gether a photo montage set of pages, separate from this page to keep from causing the load time to deteriouate for all viewers.

Lee, N5NTG, and his son David, KD5MTJ, were driving SAG 10, Alternate Turtle on Day 1, Express Route Turtle on Day 2. This was a tremendous effort with hams from Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and points between, setting up temp repeaters in areas that had little or no coverage normally, including digipeaters for APRS. Echolink and IRLP were used to tie in all repeaters each day, so that Houston Net Control was able to run the route up until the last segment of Day 2 when it closed with Austin. (And I’m not sure they weren’t still listening in, but they needed some sleep also.)


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