Hill Country REACT Team #4804
Visit us at www.HillCountryREACT.org
We would like top take a chance to invite you to attend the next meeting of Hill Country REACT Team #4804 to hear our guest speaker Skip Stem/WB4DAD talk about CW Operations!
Skip is along time CW Operator and has been working CW on the HF bands for a number of years. Many of us learned our CW years ago to upgrade our licenses but few us have taken to the air and used this skill. And many new operators, despite the fact that CW is no longer a requirement to hold an amateur license desire to learn this mode. So come one, come all and find out what CW is all about!
We meet at the Bulverde Fire Station on Cougar Bend in downtown Bulverde at 1900 (7:00 PM) on the fourth Wednesday of the month. This month that will be July 22nd.