Bexar County ARES – Field Day Wrap-up Mtg

San Antonio City EOCMost of you missed tonight’s ARES meeting that was held in a conference room inside the secure City’s EOC building over in Brooks City Base on the SE side of San Antonio. 

About 2 dozen hams attended to do a debriefing regarding Field Day 2009 (i.e. discuss what went right, what went wrong, and how to make next year’s event even better.)   A common request was to “fix the outdoor A/C or move the event to October.”  In other words, it was hot out there that weekend.   We also discussed possible on-the-air training net topics to be covered over the upcoming 60 days during the Tuesday night training nets.

The group consensus was that the event went mostly as planned, with a few very minor glitches mostly caused by being in a new facility where we had to learn stuff, but that’s the way it would be if deployed into a disaster area also. 

It was felt that some individuals had been requested to multi-task too many items at once, and an organizational chart was presented to help clarify where we would likely need to make improvements for next year if we did this combined event again.  The consensus of those present, was that the event was a success and that it built new friendships between hams and between the various ham clubs / groups who particpated.  There was a lot of resource and manpower sharing during the event, and amazingly enough everybody seemed to have gotten all their loaned out stuff back in the end.  

A thank you plaque was presented by Erik Rabe KD5YZU to Chief McNulty following the event, and Chief McNulty said we would be welcome to return to his facility next year if the group so desired.


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