Jul 3

I know, Summer has just barely started, but, we like to get things listed and out there early!

I have updated/posted some of the annual fall winter events, that have utilized Amateur Radio Support for many years. They have been coordinated and/or supported by members of Hill Country REACT Team and other San Antonio/Austin Area Amateur Radio Operators.

Amateur Radio Support over the years has been recognized as a major safety requirement for these events, held in remote areas with little to no cellular covers, or other means to communicate.  From the participants, their support crews and families, to the event promoters, our support over the years of these events has been highly praised and commended.

We will again provide support through normal voice communications as well as packet operations for each of these events.

Please check the specific calendar dates for details on each event.

Cactus Rose – Bandera – Oct 29 – 30th, 2011

Bandera 100k – Bandera – January 7th and 8th, 2012

Rocky Raccoon 2012 – Huntsville – Feb 4, 2012 .

Heart of the Hills 2012 – Bandera – March 3rd, 2012

If you are interested in assisting with these events or would like more information, please contact the coordinator/liason K5STX at k5stx@arrl.net or 830-305-2889

Thank You for your support over the years, and looking forward to another successful series coming up.



Jun 30

We received a batch of photos from the AARO President, Andrew Watson K5NNN, taken during their field day on June 25th at Raymond Russel Park, on the NW side of San Antonio.

Click the link below to see the gallery of photos –

Read the rest of this entry »

Jun 28

Wow! This was a great Field Day! It was one of the best that I have attended with the club in my ten years. We worked 45 States and and 4 of 8 Canadian provinces! The states we missed were RI, Nevada, Alaska, Wyoming and West Virginia. Other than those states we only missed two other US sections North New York and Virgin Islands. So out of 71 ARRL in the US sections we only missed seven!!!! We had 444 QSO’s in the log which is way up! This is due mostly to the excellent PSK31 operators!! A big thanks to all that came out to make this so successful, safe and fun!!

Paul Guido, N5IUT

Jun 26
A little different, but successful none the less, we operated using solar charged battery power in a very minimalistic Field Day using very little in the way of equipment. This was a test of our operating skills as much as it was a test of setting up an emergency station and all worked well.
We used a multi-band “inverted V” antenna that worked fantastic. When band changes were in order, all we had to do was unplug/plug band extensions which, being at the lower ends of the V, were easy to accomplish. This kept the loss from using a tuner, with this antenna we didn’t need one, to zero which is advantageous when you run low power. (A tuner usually has a 2db insertion loss! This is also why you don’t use a tuner if your swr is 1.5 : 1. It isn’t worth the insertion loss.) 
Running just one station, we managed a little over 530 SSB and 48 CW contacts, all by W2IK, for a total of 578 Qs which was down from last year. This year, it was not a W5BOG operation. Krissy, again, was the chef of the operation, keeping me fat and happy!
Some observations from this operation were: 15 meters was “long and hard” – this means the band was open for working distant stations (long) with no signal fading (hard) and we were hit with DX such as KH6EL whom we worked using only 5 watts with an actual (honest) 5/9 return from him. 10 meters was open at mid-day, but we couldn’t get the distant stations we wanted to.  20 meters was open until daylight hours waned, growing “legs” for a while into the pacific and then it opened in a sporadic manner later.
Jun 26

Thank you to all !!!

Wow….. AA5RO Field Day was the best !! We had over 80 hams that showed up to the Big event… We had 5 new members that join the club  and made many contacts.

Thank you to Martin for the antenna building Class. Martin’s class built over ten ladder line antennas and had lots of good fun.

Walt had a great class and we would like to see Walt teach his class to the whole club at a future meeting.

Tony our club V.P. did a great job cooking for the club and landing the Field Day spot at Raymond Russell Park.

Thank you to all the Volunteer’s and Members that made this a great Field Day..

Andrew, K5NNN
AARO Club President


Jun 24
We haven’t confirmed this club’s plans, but they are apparently doing a field day, and they usually operate out in Bandera County.  When we find out, we’ll update this posting.
Here are directions to their club location:
Directions to W5RTA
1. Take TX 1604 (Anderson Loop) to Bandera Road (Texas 16), and go Northwest to Bandera. Go through Bandera about 1 mile, turn right on hwy 173, go about 3 miles to Lower Mason Creek Rd.
2. Follow Lower Mason Creek Rd (it is a curvy road so go slow).
3. When you get to Deer Valley Road, turn left and go about one mile.
4. Pass Jay’s Driveway and mailbox (530 Deer Valley Road) and cross a small bridge.
5. The station will be on the right. You’ll be able to see a trailer, the 160m loop, the logperiodic antenna on its 75 foot tower, and the multiband vertical antenna.
6. For those who have GPS. Lat-Lon: 29.793333, -99.036019
Jun 23

Howdy Air Conditioned ROOSTERS!
Ready for Field Day 2011?

If not, and you plan to participate, “Time’s a wasting.” Our June Members meeting will be at the clubhouse Friday at 7PM – that’s this Friday the 24th! Hope to see you there.

ROOST Club House
7201 Palm Park
San Antonio, TX 78223
See Map Here

Take Hwy 181 Southeast from Loop 410 towards Floresville.  Palm Park is just outside of Loop 1604 on the right.

We do plan to have a meal so bring a side dish please. Some of us will be there a few hours early to start some FD set‐up and your help will be appreciated if you can make it. A solar panel tray needs to be mounted at the base of our 3‐legged roof‐mounted tower, then wires run to the batteries. Once it and two people are on the roof it should go fast, maybe 30 minutes or less. It will mount with four U‐Bolts and the mount is ready and adjustable.

Erik KD5YZU will site his “EGG” under the big tree we meet under and plans to stay overnight Friday and help with security. Saturday AM as early as helpers appear we’ll finish to be ready for the FD kick‐off at 18:00 ZULU/GMT/UTC; that’s 1:00 PM if you need a translation.

If you’ll be operating, logging, or otherwise present during FD‐2011 please bring some chow and what you want to drink to keep cool.   Some insect repellent might be handy, our main problem has been mosquitoes and flies.  What works for flies?

If your self‐confidence level still isn’t up to helping with an HF band activity, don’t stay away on that account. W5ROS is quite capable on 2M FM with a gain vertical up 80 feet and you can “do the do” there and work much of STX on SIMPLEX. If we get on 2M FM, W5ROS will “haunt” 146.54 SPX and scan around regularly. Let someone know ASAP if that’s your thing and we’ll reserve it for you.

73 and hope to see you Friday, Saturday and Sunday!

73s Bob X5XW

Jun 23

The McArc team will gather at the Medina County Rest Stop for Field Day this year.  The Medina County Rest Stop is located on US Hwy 90, west of D’Hanis.  The pavilion that we have used for Field-nics- unless its otherwise occupied.

McArc’s Field Day team will be on site at 1200 and operational at 1300 (12 PM and 1 PM).  A lunch meal is planned for after 1500 (3 PM).    The plans may be modified by the weather, mosquitoes, excessive heat, etc.

For more information or additional details contact Tom Taylor or Walter Hock.

Jun 23

Atascosa County ARC  will start at 1000 on Saturday June 25 and end at 1000 Sunday June 26  – continuous. It will be at the Strawberry Fest. grounds in Poteet on SH 16.

We would like to see you.


Jun 23

Kendall Amateur Radio Society (KB5TX) always holds a field day, usually at the Kendall County Fairgrounds in recent years, but due to something that happened last year, we’ve heard a rumor they have relocated their FD location.  We’ve sent email to their officers asking for clarification, but don’t have that news yet.

If interested in going to Boerne for KARS’ Field Day, we recommend trying to contact them on their primary 2 meter repeater, 146.64  (-, 88.5 tone) and calling for them.  There is no information up on their new website about this event.


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