SK – Harry Jordan W5CRS – 6/23/2018

I am very sorry to announce that fellow HAMster and long time Amateur Radio Operator Harry Jordan W5CRS passed away yesterday at 4:pm.

Harry has been hospitalized for little over a month after suffering a sever stroke and unfortunately did not recover from the results of the stroke which left him unable to speak, or open his eyes.

Harry will be remember for his sense of humor, and his high energy level and enthusiasm for Amateur Radio, even though he was in his 80’s he was still full of energy and excitement like a kid when it came to HAM Radio and was hard at work to build a high quality 2 meter SSB Station to take part in many of the HAMster activities, building a repeater and was hard at work building a 6 meter repeater.

Harry will be missed.

Please keep Harry and his family in your thoughts and prayers during this rough time.

Service Announcement for Silent Key Harry Jordan W5CRS.

Visitation will be Wednesday June 27th from 6-9pm, Funeral will be June 28th at 11:am.

Both will be at Mission Burial Park South, followed by as procession to Oakley Cemetery on Hardy Rd, then a reception to follow.

Greg N5XO


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