Calling All Ham Clubs – We Want Your Event Calendar and Stories! is celebrating it’s 10th year of existence this year in 2013. But there are still some hams out there who don’t know they can sign up (for free) and post their own stories, or that of their clubs, totally free on

You would  think that by now every Ham Club in Central South Texas would be aware that this website is allowing other hams from any ham club to post their own articles, photos and calendar events, but apparently that’s not so.

Now while this site is aimed at Ham Radio events and activities located in Central / South Texas, if you have an event that is happening elsewhere, but you feel it would be of general interest to hams residing in this geographical area, feel free to register as a user and contact the webmaster (Lee N5NTG) to bump your editing privileges up high enough for posting to this site.

We used get flooded by robot SPAM registrations and comments, so new users get to fill out one of them captcha type questions, but that’s designed to weed out the robot type fills, not the humans.  It is apparently working, because the number of bogus registrations has dropped about 95% from what it was doing a few months ago before we implemented that change. Please use your call sign as your user name, and provide your real name in the appropriate fields.  We do double check those before granting permission to turn you loose on the site.

All postings of articles or comments are subject to editing, just because we’re responsible in the end for everything that goes public.  All posts automatically get links sent out via Twitter and Facebook as well, under the N5NTG name, so that’s another reason for moderation on new authors.  We’ve never had a complaint about censoring in the past, and we hope we never do. But sometimes comments are not appropriate, such as personal attacks on another ham operator or organization.  All users initially will get their comments and articles moderated or even edited, depending upon the content.

As of today, 07/01/2013, we have about 70 hams with privileges set to allow posting new stories, calendar event items, etc. without being moderated before they go live. Only a handful actually take advantage of that.

If you want your  club’s activities to be made public, and possibly attract visitor or new members, this is one of the best places you can post  your stuff.  We also put out an electronic newsletter, monthly or whenever we have the time. We currently have about 450+ ham radio operators as subscribers.  We pull most  of the material from the BLOG portion of the website, so post your stuff here if you want folks to learn about it.  If you want to keep it private, well, you won’t want to accept our offer.

Contact the Webmaster, Lee N5NTG, at or by calling his cell phone at 210-771-7075 (voice/text okay) to find out more about this free offer.


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