New Ham Store Opens in San Antonio

At the end of 2012, without any trumpets blaring or other fanfare, Gary WF5Y, aka Grumpy, opened his new store location at 2002 CeeGee Lane, San Antonio, TX 78217.

He’s currently offering a line of Ham Radio pieces and parts, plus some Baofeng HT radios, antennas, wiring and coax, the various kits and electronic parts available thru his website,, etc.  He has a small selection of used equipment on consignment, and takes the attitude of “if you don’t see what you want, ask me about it.”   He is waiting on a shipment of stuff from MFJ, who apparently back ordered it.

To get there from where ever, get on Loop 410 and travel to Broadway. Exit Broadway and go north (outside the loop) to the 2nd traffic light. Turn left on CeeGee (toward the airport) and follow the street until you reach the end of the block.  GrumpyShop is on the left. He has one sign up out in front, but it’s facing Aero Blvd, which is the street that CeeGee dead ends into.  Parking is on the side of the building, off CeeGee, since the front parking area is mostly fenced off with chain link fencing.

Tim Wagner (from the old KComm Ham store) is available by appointment only, to perform installations in vehicles or at home.  He has the ability to put a vehicle inside the building for working on during inclement weather, but size is limited by the garage door.

Grumpy said he is willing to do some minor radio repairs, mostly on the older type radios, but said that today’s modern radios are mostly surface mounted and will normally need to be sent back to the factory under warranty if they develop a major malfunction.

He’s worked some deals with Craig Kennedy (former owner of KComm The Ham Store) and other dealers, to increase his ability to supply current radios upon demand. Grumpy said he does not plan to stock a large number of new radios in inventory, as the profit margin just isn’t there now a days. He said it was almost impossible to compete on the basis of price alone, with today’s Internet market place.

Here are some photos I took during a visit on Saturday, February 2, 2013.

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Here is a Google Map showing where to find

View Larger Map


One Response

  1. W5SMP Says:

    RT @N5NTG: New Ham Store Opens in San Antonio: At the end of 2012, without any trumpets blaring or other fan…

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