ARRL 2009 Field Day – 30 Sec PSA

arrl_2009_fieldday_logoARRL has released their 2009 version of the Field Day PSA and posted it to In addition, copies (on CD-R format) are available from Gary Tangrady K5GST.

Contact: Gary S. Tangrady, K5GST
Asst Public Information Coordinator
South Texas Section, ARRL

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For Immediate Release: Local “Hams” Take it to the Field June 27-28

(San Antonio TX, Mar 12th, 2009) – For nearly a century now Hams (more formally known as Amateur Radio Operators), have experimented with radio technology, pioneered new forms of communication, and provided a reliable means of backup communications when other systems have failed. In this decade, when electricity and phone lines were down, Hams provided essential communications at Ground Zero on 9/11, in the aftermath of the Indian Ocean Tsunami, in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and in hundreds of other disaster relief efforts worldwide.

Have you been curious about amateur radio? What are ham radio operators, how do they train for emergencies? How do they provide critical communications during emergencies when wireless and wire-line phone systems are overloaded or fail? How can they operate when commercial power goes out?

You can learn the answer to these questions and more by visiting a demonstration of emergency communication abilities at the San Antonio Fire Department Training Academy at the corner of Hwy 151 and Callaghan Road in Northwest San Antonio from 1 PM on June 27th to 1 PM on June 28th.

Demonstrations will include high frequency (HF), sideband, digital (computer generated), Morse Code and local VHF FM communications. Tentative plans also include an amateur television demonstration.

To learn more about Field Day or Amateur Radio, contact Gary Tangrady (K5GST) at (210)383-7872 (cell) or go to

ARRL Field Day is sponsored by the American Radio Relay League – the national organization for amateur radio. For more info about ARRL, visit    The public is most cordially invited to come, meet and talk with the hams.   They might even help you get on the air!


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