SK – David Freiberger K5OLE – Sept. 14, 2010

David Freiberger K5OLE on top of the American Red Cross Bldg working on one of the antennas

Our friend, mentor and leader, David Freiberger K5OLE is gone. He passed away this afternoon after a very long battle, first with cancer, then with complications from the treatment of it.

J C Smith, N5RXS, will update us with the funeral arrangements when he can.

I’m attaching a photo of my friend, doing what he loved.

Shane NS5D

Additional info will be posted here as provided.  We encourage other hams who knew David, to post comments on this article to share your thoughts, memories, etc.  

David was recently the Bexar County EC (Emergency Coordinator), stepping down only due to his health issues, and was a former president of the San Antonio Radio Club. He was active in the STXDXCC Club as well.  His cheerful attitude helped a lot of hams do their jobs better.

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David Freiberger, K5OLE, is at rest now.  He died at 1:30 this afternoon surrounded by his family and his best friend Tom Nolan. He fought the good fight and was a true warrior in his battle with colon cancer.  

His celebration of life service will be held at Coker United Methodist Church at 10 AM Friday in San Antonio.  The address is 231 N Loop Road. There will be no visitation. 

His cremated remains will be buried next Tuesday in Bartlesville, OK in a graveside service with a reception afterwards. I’ll let everyone know the time after the arrangements have been confirmed. 

Thanks to everyone for your prayers and kindness. We couldn’t have made it without all of you and God’s grace and loving arms surrounding our family.

Report from the service held at the church…   Lee N5NTG

About 20 hams showed up to pay their last respects, out of about 60 folks in the church.  The service lasted about an hour, and was well put together, with quips and stories from David’s life, various readings from the bible, and a few hymns.  Most of the hams were from the San Antonio Radio Club or ARES.  One speaker mentioned something I had noticed frequently from David, that being his tendancy to end his statements with “By GOD”, especially if he was getting frustrated, such as “…that’s the way it will be done, by GOD!”   He never said it in a way to cause disrespect or harm, but it was clear he intended to have the final say in the matter.  

We learned that in 1972, while David was serving as a police officer in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he had gotten shot in the stomach while responding to a family disturbance.  He obviously survived, but made a decision that from that day forward, every day would be a good day, by GOD!.  Even after he was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer in 2008, he continued his cheerful outlook on life, tolerating the treatments as best he could, trying to keep up with his duties as the Emergency Coordinator for Bexar County ARES.  Only after it became apparent that he was unlikely to survive, did he step down and ask that another ham be appointed in his place.

It was ironic, that David actuallybeen pronounced free of cancer, but the damage to his liver was too great for his body to over come. When he passed away at home in bed, he was surrounded by family and friends.


One Response

  1. Robb - WO7ROB Says:

    David will be missed. There was something about his eyes that saw into my life. We had a connection though never created or explored on our part. It was already there and just existed. May Dave’s legacy continue by his example constant inspiration.

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