Link for information.
Serving San Antonio to Austin and all areas in between.
Reflector 9667
444.150+ (pl114.8) Node 3539
444.450+ (pl114.8) Node 7149
442.550+ (pl141.3) Node 7718
147.060+ (pl103.5) Node 7843 As needed / coming soon.
We have been having a great deal of problems with our IRLP nodes connected to the Dallas Reflector. As some of you may know, they had a complete hardware failure and seem to still be getting it all sorted out. Due to the generosity of Mark (K7IZA) we have moved everything over to his reflector on channel 7 (9667). This is just to let everybody know where to reconnect the repeaters if they happen to use the nodes for other connections. This is the Micro-Node Reflector on channel 7 (9667).
This effects these repeaters:
444.150 Node 3539
442.550 Node 7718
444.450 Node 7149
73 de Wade, W5ERX,
Trustee for the 444.450 Canyon Lake Repeater
Hill Country REACT Team