SAHams Electronic Newsletter – March 29th

I emailed out the very first electronic newsletter for San Antonio Hams website, to a list of about 250 hams in the San Antonio Area, plus a few from the IH-35 Corridor up towards Austin, and a few of our ham friends from the Houston area.

14 hours later, only 1 ham asked to be unsubscribed and that was taken care of automatically by the email campaign software I was using.   I had several responses thanking me for the information, especially the news about AA5XH’s passing (3/24/2009) and visitation service happening on Monday (03/30/2009).  Had one ham’s name crossed posted wrong with another ham, but he contacted me to get it corrected.  (Sorry about that, Harvey!)

Had a few that bounced back saying the message had “aspects similar to Spam”, even though I had pre-screened the message first thru a “no spam” service and got a low “0.494” score, and a score of “3.0+” is considered Spam by most email servers.  Guess you can’t satisfy every anti-spam program. 🙂

…and I commend you, sir, for such outstanding effort in keeping all hams posted.  Please, do always keep me in the loop, Lee!

Gracias y Siete Tres, Jorge
…also on Twitter and Jorge Martinez on Facebook!

Thank you very much for the newsletter. I would like to add my call sign.

J. A. (Tony) Saucedo Jr. KE5ZUP

Lee thank you for the information on silent keys and other ham activities. I am in the process of removing my station as my hearing no longer allow me to use the station. I may want to list some of the items through this means. I will come to one of the club meeting in the near future and discuss it there.Ray W5EDZ 

Great idea Lee. Thanks.  Keep my name on the list.  73  Garnet KE5WRI

Hi Lee,

Thank you so much for sending me this notice.  I didnt know until today that Gil Mathis had passed away.  I tried to leave a comment on the message board, but I couldnt get it to go through, so if you could add this on there for me, I would greatly appreciate it.

73 & God Bless,
Joseph D. Brown / W5SEA
San Antonio, TX.

It is my plan to send out such newsletter on a monthly basis, if there is news of general interest.  It won’t be used to say “hey, look at my website!”, although obviously it will drive additional traffic to the site. was created in 2003 to provide a central location for information about ham radio information, clubs, and events happening in our area.  In 2009, we added the News Blog, which creates the ability for other hams (besides myself) to create news announcements / postings directly on the site, without depending upon me to know everything.

If you want the ability to post your club’s news, or news of general ham radio interest, contact me at to request such permission.  Register as a user on the Blog (see right hand column where it says “Register”) for free, put your real name or call sign for your userID plus a valid email address, and choose your password.  Once I see that subscription, I’ll review it and upgrade your abiliy to post new messages without the need for moderation.

73 de Lee N5NTG


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