5:30 AM Sunday we leave home bound for our assignment at mile 20. We were on location by 6:10 AM erecting tents, tables, chairs and setting up for check in. Pre Scouted the day before and dutifully GPS marked, we were spot on for the visual location on the provided diagram.
One problem: no timer stand or mile marker. We unload the solar panel and the battery remote case (Wall-E) for the laptop and we’re set! Hit the 6:30 check in for net control. Only one small problem: 5 minutes after we checked in with the police officer manning cross streets, the race guys set the timer tripod and mile maker in front of him ¾ mile behind us. Luke and I grabbed the HT and jumped into the SUV with the clock. Backed into the new location and 5 minutes to spare started the clock on time.
Since we were in Mission Park, a friendly park maintenance guy went to rescue Mom and Dog. I look up and here is the entire tent on the back of the pickup with all the gear driving down the middle of the road (Ham Float). 73’s to that hero!

Luke Ham KF5CSK (City Slicker Kid) and his wingman, Ledgie, check out the finer smells at mile 20. Dad, David Ham KF5BGT, official photographer and HT manager, make sure Mom, Lisa, is comfy inside the tent where cool fans and hot tea are brewing.
Bob Rod, K5AUW, suggested a Heli one ear head mike which was operationally invaluable for the live bands down the street at the Mix 100 tent.
We checked out at 3:00 PM thanks to Danny McCarty, WA5KRP, driving the SAG van who volunteered to watch our clock until pick up. Luke scored 5 concert tickets and took 4 friends to the concert that night (wow, on a school night too!).
But as a new Ham radio guy (not a new Ham since I have had that name for over 60 something years) the best dad moment was driving back home when Luke said, “Wow dad, we got to help 6 people!”
73s to a wonderful Ham community!
David Ham KF5BGT
Luke Ham KF5CSK
November 18th, 2009 at 7:02 AM
Excellent job. Welcome to the world of Amateur Radio and Public Service.