SARO Ham Club Meeting Rpt – 10/23

Members of the San Antonio Repeater Organization met Friday night at the Martha’s Mexican Restaurant, corner of Babcock & Huebner, for their quarterly membership meeting. About 30 members were in attendance, to hear the latest club news, learn about past and upcoming events, watch some videos about recent events, and nominate folks to run for the SARO Board of Directors.

The following five persons were nominated from the floor, and will run for 1 of 4 open positions on the SARO Board of Directors.

  • Gary K5GST
  • Bob K5AUW
  • Pat AD5BR
  • Linda KC5QPQ
  • Lee N5NTG

Ballots will be mailed out to all members in good standing (i.e. you paid your 2009 dues) sometime in November, with instructions on where to return them by what deadline.    Ballots will be counted after that deadline, and the new directors will be seated after January 1st. At that time, the board will chose who will serve in what officer capacity. There are only 4 vacancies, 1 current director is up for his 2nd term, the other 3 directors either declined or were limited by term.


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