44th Cowboy Homecoming – Saturday Aug. 15 starting at 9AM till—??
Pleasanton, TX at the city park located off of Business HWY 281 at the Atascosa River just North of downtown Pleasanton. Bob – K5AUW
Several San Antonio Hams, including myself (Lee N5NTG), apparently made the 100 mile round trip down to visit our fellow hams from the Atascosa County Amateur Radio Club, only to find out it was just as hot and dusty down there as it was up here in San Antonio. 🙂 after finding the place (without any exterior signage on the main road) by using my GPS, then trying to find the main entrance with the parking lot by following a couple of large pickups (did I say it was out in the rural country area?), paying my $5 admission fee, and then walking what felt like 2 miles to find the ham station located almost at the rear of the country fair event, I found smiling faces and a cold bottle of water awaiting me. The way I first spotted their “booth” was due to a couple of antennas stuck up in the air about 25-30 feet with colorful surveyor’s tape stretched around the area.
Here are photos from this event. I’ve been told that some other photos are heading my direction soon, and thus I’ll be adding them on as well ASAP.