Jan 28

Ham Radio Help Desk – January 2012 Newsletter

Hams helping hams make the most of the hobby of amateur radio. 

  1. ‘UHF’ Connector Test Results – 2011-10-02 21:10:43-04
    Real measured data reveal the UHF (PL259 and SO239) connectors have real limitations.
  2. Hexbeam Gets a Spine – 2011-10-03 00:15:49-04
    My G3TXQ Hexbeam gets a new metal backbone to accommodate a VHF beam antenna. A byproduct is a much stronger antenna assembly.
  3. Installing Ground Rods the Easy Way – 2011-10-04 23:54:04-04
    Ground Rods… so easy a pre-teen can do it. Presented is a method learned from other hams on how to install a ground rod with minimal or no hammering. Using a watering can, even children can sink an 8 foot ground rod into the ground. All it takes is water and time.
  4. Help: How can I Migrate Microsoft Works 2004 Logs to New Program – 2011-11-05 10:16:16-04
    K3CDQ asks: I have an old computer with lots of 2002, 3 and 4 software on it. I have thirty years of ham contacts logged in a data base that I worked up using Microsoft Works 2004. I now have a new computer with all 2010 and 2011 software on it and running XP. I […]
  5. J-Pole Antenna – Should I ground it? – 2012-01-28 01:10:48-05
    To function as intended, the J-Pole antenna needs electrical isolation from its mount. Here’s why and in technicolor no less.

(c) 2011-2012 John Huggins Internet, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA
