Jul 12
In advance of the trip that two West Gulf ARRL folk are taking to W1AW, I have a few memories I’d like to share about several of my sojourns to Newington. Living on Long Island most of my life, and especially in the late 1980s and 1990’s, I’d find the time to play hooky from work several times a year and take the ferry across Long Island Sound driving the rest of the way to what many would call the “Mecca Of Amateur Radio”, the headquarters of the ARRL.
I’d make the trip usually to do a few things such as hand-deliver my QSL cards to be checked for DXCC awards (sorry, but after all the work to get them I didn’t want them lost in the mail.) and taking tours of the headquarters building, which in itself is an interesting education, I’d usually make my way over to the W1AW operating building. Like a kid in a candy shop, you not only get to see them programming the computers and Harris transmitters for the ARRL’s code practice transmissions, etc. but if you are a licensed ham you get a chance to operate using the W1AW callsign and use top-of-the-line equipment, amps and beams.
Jul 12

N5AUS, West Gulf Vice Director and K5RAV, West Gulf Director, will be operating W1AW on Sunday, July 17, 2011 with the intent to contact as many West Gulf members as possible.

Look for W1AW calling “CQ West Gulf” and “CQ West Gulf Division” on 14250 – more or less. If for any reason you can’t find us at 14250, more or less, check our Twitter accounts for updates:

  • N5AUS: Twitter.com/N5AUS
  • K5RAV: Twitter.com/K5RAV

Anyone who works W1AW and would like a W1AW QSL card should send their QSL card to the ARRL and include a SASE (self-addressed-stamped=envelope) to:

225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111

All W1AW QSOs are uploaded to Logbook of the World weekly.

Sunday operating times:

  • 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. CDT
  • 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. CDT

David and I look forward to QSOs with all!!

John Robert Stratton
Vice Director, West Gulf Division
