Jun 24
We haven’t confirmed this club’s plans, but they are apparently doing a field day, and they usually operate out in Bandera County.  When we find out, we’ll update this posting.
Here are directions to their club location:
Directions to W5RTA
1. Take TX 1604 (Anderson Loop) to Bandera Road (Texas 16), and go Northwest to Bandera. Go through Bandera about 1 mile, turn right on hwy 173, go about 3 miles to Lower Mason Creek Rd.
2. Follow Lower Mason Creek Rd (it is a curvy road so go slow).
3. When you get to Deer Valley Road, turn left and go about one mile.
4. Pass Jay’s Driveway and mailbox (530 Deer Valley Road) and cross a small bridge.
5. The station will be on the right. You’ll be able to see a trailer, the 160m loop, the logperiodic antenna on its 75 foot tower, and the multiband vertical antenna.
6. For those who have GPS. Lat-Lon: 29.793333, -99.036019