Jan 27

By Vincent T. Davis – Express-News

“Ham radio operator Bob Hejl has responded to several disasters in the United States and overseas, yet he feels sidelined from helping Haitians who were devastated by the earthquake that struck there two weeks ago.

Hejl volunteered for deployment with the Amateur Radio Emergency Services in New York but wasn’t called this time. He’s resigned to listening to the scant radio signals being transmitted from Haiti as rescue operations there scale back.

Hejl is one of many ham operators across the nation who were willing to lend their equipment and expertise to aid the Jan. 12 earthquake victims. Red Cross training and hundreds of radio hours since the Alaska earthquake of 1964 have prepped him for short-notice calls to broadcast his call sign, W2IK, from the mobile equipment he keeps ready for emergency deployment.”

For the full article, including quotes from several other local ham radio operators, go to:


